Island Horticulture -
'Life after Brexit' is this year's Conference theme.
This year, on 3rd October 2018, the From the UK, Dr Ed Moorhouse Graham is in the unique position
Chartered Institute of Horticulture addresses the challenges and of serving on many European
(CIH) will be holding their annual opportunities facing salad and Committees at breeder, grower and
Conference in London, at the Farmers' vegetable growers post Brexit, given agent level and will be sharing the
and Fletchers' Livery Hall, 3 Cloth that a significant amount of our fresh impact of Brexit on Breeding, Plant
Street, London, EC1A 7LD. The CIH produce is sourced from overseas. Varietal Protection and Royalties
are delighted to welcome distinguished
speakers from both the UK and the
Netherlands, discussing a range of
topics pertinent to horticulturists in
all sectors.
Enjoy listening to John Adlam,
Principal of Dove Associates,
delivering the James Bruce Memorial
Lecture; focusing on 'Growing a Horti
Culture'. Alongside John is Jacob
Kolff, Owner, Kolff Plants and one of
the largest exporters of hardy plants
in the Netherlands, Jacob will discuss
UK imports of hardy nursery stock,
The success story of Berry Production
in the UK will be delivered by Alastair
All sectors of Horticulture are
and owner of BR Brooks and Son. represented this year, from
Berry production is the huge success
story of British Horticulture and
Alastair will be sharing his thoughts
on breeding, growing and the public
desire for berries.
Jack Ward, CEO of the British Growers
Association will be sharing the current
mood of his growers and their success
stories, the challenges and the growing
climate immediately post Brexit.
Joining them is Jeroen Van Buren, Finally. and not a stranger to
subject is the 'Digital Revolution
and how this impacts on the largest
Horticultural consultancy in the
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 34 2018
Brooks, Chairman of Berry Gardens both now and in the future.
from Delphy BV, Netherlands. Jeroen's
across borders European and other
Ornamentals, Fresh Produce, Soft
Fruits and Field Vegetables to Plant
Breeding, Consultancy and Advisory.
There truly is something for everyone!
The conference location is fantastic;
the Hall is a minute's walk from
Barbican Tube Station and 5 minutes
from St Paul's tube station. Maximise
networking opportunities whilst
enjoying a hot fork buffet lunch.
conference, Graham Spencer, Director
of Plants for Europe will be asking
'Where are we now and what should
you do?
DON'T MISS OUT! Click here to BOOK