High capacity channel system drains
main car park at Castlegate Business
Park, Dudley, West Midlands
The 107 space car park at the new of 355.5cm2. Having total water strength of the material is unaffected
Costa, KFC outlets, Castlegate capacity of just over 1566 litres the and a consistent appearance is
Business Park, Dudley, West channel runs drained an area of over maintained. The MONOTEC channels
Midlands is drained with 44 metres 1233m2 . have a loading category of up to
of Hauraton’s RECYFIX® MONOTEC
high capacity channel drainage
Class D400.
metre long channel component Peter Dicken, Hauraton‘s Project
is of a sturdy monolithic design Manager for the Midlands comments;
where the HEELSAFE grating and “With a maximum weight of 10.4kg
the tongue and groove linking the groundwork contractor, E.Terry,
Cinema and offices. system are integral to the channel found the MONOTEC channels
moulding. The whole unit is made supplied easy to handle and install
Hauraton Limited introduced the of tough, virtually unbreakable with no breakages reported during
MONOTEC, system in January 2016. polypropylene (PP) formulated to be the installation process. Matching
The Castlegate development joins very resistant to daily temperature Trash Boxes and End Caps were
numerous installations successfully fluctuations from frost conditions also supplied. All Hauraton surface
completed in the United Kingdom. to strong sunlight, including the water drainage systems’ comply
Ultra Violet (UV) spectrum. PP is with European Standards (hENs) and
naturally resistant to de-icing salt. carries the CE mark”.
system. The Castlegate Business
Park is already home to restaurants
including Frankie and Benny’s and
Pizza Hut, as well as a Showcase
installed in the car park’s red block
/ asphalt surfaces have a nominal
grating width of 100mm, an overall
height of 380mm and a cross-section
Complying with the requirements
of EN 1433, the PP is given its UV
resistance by adding just sufficient
stabiliser so that the structural
specifications go to www.hauraton.
co.uk. CIVILS section