adult terrace be laid with buchananii harmonized with
the basalt flagstone used in colour pallete of the steel and
the walls and interspersed added movement.
with random strips of black
Vande Moortel Belgian brick. Later in the year, Paul was
Bonding of both ran across commissioned by the same
the width of the house to family to design their large
keep the eye in the first area roof terrace. “Whilst working
and make the garden space on this,” he explained “ I looked
feel larger. To the rear of the over the parapet wall and
wall a premium grade astro saw three children playing
turf was laid within a basalt hockey on the astro turf while
frame. their parents sat chatting and
drinking coffee in the adult
Planting in the adult area section. It is rare to have an
used grasses and evergreens opportunity to see, let alone a
with two multi stemmed birds eye view, of your design
trees, Eriobotrya japonica and working so perfectly for the
Acer daviddi, used to frame client”.
the area.
This garden also won for Paul the
Vande Moortel Clay Paver award for
best Contemporary Garden, proving
play in a small garden can also be
stylish and contemporary.