A Nordic Approach To
Most of us believe we have a
good idea of what sustainability
is and what to look for, but
the issue of sustainability is
ever more complex. When
considering a diverse range of
products, a multi-faceted and
holistic approach is important.
A National Approach
In May 2016, Norway
committed to zero
deforestation, becoming the
first country in the world to do
The protection of Norway and
Sweden’s own forests (from
where all Vestre’s timber
is sourced) is also assured
through a highly sustainable
approach where felling of
12 Landscape & Urban Design
virgin forest is prohibited,
and legislation encourages
biodiversity as much as timber
Backed by the Government’s
support for renewable
energy, almost all of Norway’s
electricity production is
provided by hydropower. This
has considerable implications
for production, as will be seen
Borne out of an area that
endures the harshest of
conditions, and often sees
annual temperature swings of
50-60oC, quality and longevity
are key if products are to last
more than a few years in use.