Landscape & Urban Design Issue 28 2017 | Page 51

Get HYPED! for our fantastic range of ball courts and educational games walls! Bespoke design and build treehouses, playhouses and elevated platforms TEL: 01403 732452 Terrain Aeration 180x132.qxp_Layout 1 22/02/2017 17:31 Page 1 CheekyMonkeyWT169.indd 1 +44 (0)20 3409 5303 [email protected] 17/02/2016 15:21 WE MAKE THE EARTH MOVE d co an mp r essed air TerraIn aeraTIon’s TreaTmenT Is long-Term for sporTs pITches, parks, bowlIng greens, golf courses, Trees and gardens. ask The experTs. we have 25 years of experIence of makIng The earTh move. TerralifT deep peneTraTion relieves compacTion, waTerlogging and panning me etr tre d eep pen SEE THE EARTH MOVE ON VIDEO W: WWW.TERRAINAERATION.CO.UK T: 01449 673783 Landscape & Urban Design 51