Proludic Urbanix: The Real Outdoor Gym
A unique approach to fitness in an unsupervised setting
he success and popularity of
Outdoor Gyms in the UK has
slowly increased over the last
10 years. Initially they were
considered to be home to warm climes
where they better suited the outdoor
way of life for users across parks
and beaches. This has proved not
to be the case and there is an ever-
increasing programme of Outdoor Gym
installations across the UK.
The design of equipment has evolved
during this time and now there are a
wide range of systems on the market
varying in specification and price.
The key principles for the design of
the exercise stations is the safety
and benefits to the user. This can be
achieved through a controlled weight
resistance system along with clear
signage and accompanying technology
providing guidance and structure to
safe independent work outs.
Proludic Urbanix were first to the UK
market with an outdoor gym range
using a unique operating system
that utilizes a hydraulic piston. The
piston offers controlled movement
across both movement planes of
extension and contraction of the
muscle groups which means that users
are guaranteed a safe and consistent
work out. The benefits to this against
a body weight resistant system
means that users can train using the
46 Landscape & Urban Design
machines regardless of their own body
weight and fitness level.
The aesthetic of outdoor gym
equipment is important when placed
within a park setting and the muted
beige colour ensures it sits well within
a landscaped or natural environment.
Bright colours can act as a beacon for
play and these should be avoided.
The potential conflict between the
location of play and outdoor gyms has
been resolved with the introduction
of the standard EN16630:2015, the
reasons for this have been highlighted
with the document produced by the
API in 2015, confirming all previous
standards have been withdrawn
including PAS888 and the French XPS
52-904. See API for details.
Guidance is crucial and technology
is playing an increasing role in
the way the community can access
Proludic has recently launched a
sports app to go alongside all their
sports equipment. The advanced app
will allow people to monitor their
fitness, gain rewards for achievements
unlocked and share and compete with
their community, both locally, socially
and nationally. For more information
on this please contact:
[email protected]