Landscape & Urban Design Issue 26 2017 | Page 32

Instant Hedges I nstant Hedges is known nationwide for our outstanding instant hedges in trough form or individual plants grown specifically to form an instant hedge when planted. However a well kept secret up to now is we stock the widest range of PLEACHED TREES in the UK. Low pleaches are proving equally as popular as the standard counterparts so our stock reflects this. We have a variety of low pleaches with a clear stem of 100cm or 150cm. The species we have available include Prunus laurocerasus, Photinia, Ilex, Fagus and Liquidambar. Our extensive portfolio of stock allows us to cater for projects where the budget is more restrictive requiring the use of younger 12-14cm girth pleached trees to grow on and fill out in the coming season upto mature 30-35cm pleached trees with full coverage across the trellis for the perfect instant screen. Sourcing plants for projects can be more challenging during the summer months when rootballed trees are not an option but we have all of these pleached trees in containers on our nursery available for your project NOW. The standard pleached tree size is 150x150cm frame on a 180-200cm clear stem. We have these in abundance but our range is not limited to these sizes. We have frame sizes upto 180cm tall or 180cm wide depending on the specific need. We also have trained nursery men who can adapt the existing framework or stem height to customise the pleached tree for your specific project. The species we have available include Prunus laurocerasus, Photinia, Quercus Ilex, Ilex, Pyrus Chanticleer and Carpinus. 32 Landscape & Urban Design Instant Hedges has been based on our main container nursery in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, for 12 years. We continue to grow and expand not only our container production side of the nursery but also our field grown production. Our central UK location allows us to deliver to the whole of the UK. Instant Hedges business and reputation has grown over the years but our commitment to offering complete end to end service from consultancy through sourcing, supply and distribution to planting and maintenance has remained. Managing Director Nick Angel concludes: “Our reputation has been built on the expertise of our personnel, our appreciation of customer expectation, the quality and service and the value-for- money we are able to deliver on each and every project.” Please give us a call and make an appointment to see for yourself how we can help with your next project. For more information contact Instant Hedges on 01296 399585 or email [email protected]. Twitter: @InstantHedges Facebook: Instant Landscapes Ltd