RHS Garden Bridgewater –
a potential best practice case study
for soil re-use and management
comprehensive Soil Resource
Survey carried out for the
Royal Horticultural Society by
soil scientists at Tim O’Hare
Associates (TOHA) for the proposed RHS
Garden Bridgewater will provide an
exemplar case study on the sustainable
re-use and management of existing soils.
The proposed new garden – on the site of
the former Worsley New Hall in Salford, to
the north west of Manchester – has been
designed by landscape designer Tom
Soils on the 63 ha site, which slopes
down to the Bridgewater Canal on its
southern boundary, range from a sandy
loam, through alluvial silts and clays in
the woodland areas, to peaty soils in the
meadows abutting the canal.
TOHA Principal Consultant Tim O’Hare and
Senior Associate Ceri Spears carried out a
baseline assessment of all soils found on
the site in November 2016, in advance of
the commencement of construction of the
planned visitor centre, with a view to their
re-use for the new garden. The survey
will also help to refine decisions made on
the final landscape design and planting
schemes provided outline planning
permission is granted.
“This is an intriguing project that has
the potential to act as an exemplar for
future schemes where in situ soils, if
correctly managed, can be re-used to
their full potential” explained Tim O’Hare.
“The range of soils within the four main
areas of the site will need to be treated
Some of the sandy clay loams are very
delicate and susceptible to compaction,
for example. A good soil management
strategy should be developed to ensure
these soils are protected throughout
the different phases of the garden’s
The diversity of in situ soils – a result of
topography, hydrology and past land use
- is a bonus for the development of the
RHS’s new garden. An old boating lake on
the site, which is heavily silted up, will be
restored and the hope is that the infertile
dredgings will be used to create perennial
meadows. Areas of existing grazing land
that will accommodate the planned visitor
centre and car park have soils that will
be ideal for planting in the site’s original
walled garden where the existing soil is
Tim O’Hare believes RHS Garden
Bridgewater is a perfect opportunity
to demonstrate how in situ soils can
be effectively re-used to provide the
right materials for a range of landscape
applications. The creation of a detailed
Soil Resource Plan, which gives guidance
on soil stripping, storage, spreading,
amelioration, and handling during
landscape construction, has been
recommended as the next step in the
project’s soil strategy.
Landscape & Urban Design