Plant of the moment
Plant of the Moment Continues for 2017
The Horticultural Trades Association's (HTA) monthly plant
promotion - 'Plant of the Moment' continues into 2017.
he consumer campaign was
designed to run for two
years from January 2016 to
December 2017.
Month by month this promotional
plant calendar highlights planting
ideas as well as plants at their best
to help customers create gardens
that are full of colour and interest
throughout the year.
January - Create a winter
February - Camellias for early colour
March - Spring has sprung with
perfect primulas
April - The magic of maples
May - Thyme for herbs
June - Colourful clematis collection
July - Bring in the butterflies
36 Landscape & Urban Design
August - Get creative with
ornamental grasses The top four plants for January
winter flowers include:
September - Fashionably late
perennials • October - In search of 'berried'
treasure Witch Hazel (Hamamelis
• November - A celebration of
colourful cornus Oregon Grape (Mahonia
• Winter Flowering Viburnum
(Viburnum x bodnantense)
• Christmas Rose (Helleborus
December - Festive favourites
The HTA worked with gardening
consultant and journalist Adam
Pasco to produce this themed
calendar which was also agreed
upon by UK growers and retailers.
Create your very own winter
wonderland this season with a
choice selection of the very hardiest
plants that put on their best show in
the depths of winter.
plantofthemoment for more
information and to download
the media pack which features:
plant information for each month
including top plants, tips and
companion plant ideas, high and
low resolution photos, plus Point-of-
Sale samples from Floramedia and