3Legged Gardening
Landscaping Ladders
Platform Tripod Ladder
Standard Tripod Ladder
3 Adjustable Leg Tripod
Our platform Tripod ladder has a much
Essentially for trimming hedges, topiary,
This ladder will perform all of the same
deeper 175mm top working step than
bushes and trees, this ladder is perfect
tasks as the standard Tripod ladder,
standard Tripod ladders. This, along
for use when working on lawns or
but due to all 3 legs being adjustable,
with a hand rail to lean into or hold
uneven ground. The 3rd leg is telescopic
it opens up all kinds of further
onto, makes it perfect for more cautious
and depending on the task, you can
opportunities, making it the most
gardeners who have more or less fixed
work face-on with the 3rd leg planted
universal Tripod ladder in our range. The
height work.
into a hedge, or sideways with one side
rear 3rd leg is telescopic and adjustable
of the base parallel to the hedge giving
in 150mm stages. The two front legs can
It retains all the features of the standard
the perfect work position. These ladders
be independently adjusted in 50mm
Tripod ladder, making it stable on
are safe and don’t wobble because of
steps with spring loaded locking pins.
uneven ground, providing easy access
their 3 legs. They are stable due to the
to many work situations both inside and
wide base. Manufactured from welded
This allows the ladder to be used
outside the home.
aluminium alloy extrusions, this ladder
on steps and stairs, and at virtually
is lightweight yet strong and has a Safe
any angle on quite steep slopes, yet
Working Load of 100kg (220lb).
providing a stable, safe, comfortable
All the features of this Platform
Tripod ladder make it particularly
useful to those who are cautious
about working with their feet off the
www.workware.co.uk | 01228 591091
[email protected]
work position. Using this ladder you
really can access places otherwise
inaccessible such as beside ditches, as
ground. Manufactured from welded
well as combinations of walls, steps,
aluminium alloy extrusions, this ladder
slopes and banks. Manufactured from
is lightweight yet strong and has a Safe
welded aluminium alloy extrusions, this
Working Load of 100kg (220lb).
ladder is lightweight yet strong and has
a Safe Working Load of 100kg (220lb).
Landscape & Urban Design