Photo: Coache Lacaille Paysagistes
With her various projects, she tries to
views and shifting pathways through the
phenomena of everyday experience.
remove the barriers between architecture
site. The toggling movement conjures a
SRCW is interested in challenging
and landscape and think of the limit
school of fish, or a flock of birds, flitting
conventional engagement of form and
as a space. Rosemarie Faille-Faubert
in opposite directions yet connected as
space, with the goal of inducing pause,
is passionate about the discovery of
a whole. The straw-like lightness of the
inspiring reaction, and inciting response.
landscape. She explores the different
structures and brilliant yellow skin recall
SRCW’s unconventional use of everyday
scales, the tactile, the visual, sounds
a field of floral blooms, contrasting the
objects as sculptural materials seeks to
and smells. With her projects she strives
surrounding green landscape and blue sky.
create accessibility through familiarity,
to redefine the relationship between
drawing upon shared experience in the
humans and their environment through
TiiLT challenges the notion of the garden
user to evoke delight and excitement.
in creating an interactive environment that
SRCW regards the art of the garden as
is part sculpture and part landscape - to
the creation of an interactive sensory
TiiLT by SRCW [Sean Radford, architect,
evoke a sense of place and beauty from
environment, to be fully inhabited in
Chris Wiebe, designer], Winnipeg
modest elements. TiiLT provides simple,
moments of discovery and revelation.
(Manitoba) Canada:
intimate, shaded spaces in congregation,
retrieving memories of long days in short
One project received a special mention
Finding roots in the formal geometries
seasons, time spent alone and among
from the jury and will be presented as a
of the labyrinth and the many informal
neighbours, embracing the feeling of
special garden installation in 2016:
camping traditions in the Canadian
shared disconnection, together.
Dress Up! by Ran Hwang, artist, Sangmok
landscape, TiiLT is a transformable and
inhabitable place for visitors to act, or to
Sean Radford and Chris Wiebe (SRCW)
Kim, architect, Sungwoo Kim, architect,
idle, however they may be inclined.
are designers active in the Winnipeg
Shin Hee Park, fashion artist, Seoul, South
architecture community. SRCW regards
Korea / Beijing, China / New York, United
Each structure may be flipped between
the built form as an instigator of ideas,
two orientations, responding to the
a generator for reinterpretation of the
position of the sun, offering alternating
Photo: Craig Chapple
38 Landscape & Urban Design