Landscape & Urban Design Issue 17 2016 | Page 17

design | construct | perform 08-10 MARCH 2016 EXCEL LONDON Evolving with the building industry Here’s what’s NEW for 2016 • New show layout • 1,000s of innovations from over 800 exhibitors • The latest thinking at the conference, covering hot topics – Homes, Architecture & Next Generation • CPD accredited learning hubs Building Performance, Design, Energy, Infrastructure Revolution, Digital Building and #BuildCircular • Ground breaking interactive features and product showcases Register for your FREE ticket: Co-located with GOVERNMENT PA R T N E R : LEAD PA R T N E R : RESEARCH & I N N O VAT I O N PA R T N E R : LEAD SUPPORTERS: OFFICIAL C H A R I T Y: O R G A N I S E D B Y: E C O B U I L D I S I S O 2 0 1 2 1 S U S TA I N A B L E E V E N T M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M C E R T I F I E D