The TurfTeq Power Rake –
Best Kept Secret In The Landscape Industry
TurfTeq’s Surface Preparation
Rake offers the quickest and most
profitable way to prepare soil for
turf, grass seed or wild flowers.
Much quicker than a rotavator, it
also facilitates stone removal and
rough-grades the site.
First, angle the deck left or right
to work the stones into windrows
for easy collection. Whilst doing
this, the Rake is already starting
to produce a fine tilth and grade
the site. Next, pivot the head
straight and work it across the area
in different directions in order to
complete the job. You now have
a level, rough-raked site ready
to accept turf. If you are seeding,
finish off with the machine running
in reverse and you will be left with
just castor marks to touch in with
a hand rake. It tills only the top
layer (3 to 25mm), so the soil is
immediately ready for use.
You don’t have to re-consolidate
the ground or break up lumps of
soil, as you would if you used a
rotavator, and it will not slump
when the first serious fall of rain
comes along.
To replace an existing lawn without
lifting the old turf, kill off the grass
with a suitable chemical. The
Rake will quickly rip out the dead
grass, working up a tilth as it does
so, and the site is ready, leaving
only a few bags of dead grass to
dispose of. This feature can also be
used for heavy scarification, such
as preparation for a wild flower
Re-levelling gravelled areas is
a back-breaking job at the best
of times. The real hard work is
breaking up solidified surfaces
such as self-binding gravel paths,
golf buggy paths and similar; that’s
where the Rake comes in.
981 1313
12 Landscape
& Urban Design
Issue 17
Adjust the raking depth to suit
the thickness of the gravel layer
and run the machine over the
surface. It will soon break up the
top layer, rough-grading as it goes
and bringing cleaner gravel to the
surface. The final touches can then
be applied with a hand rake.
A rugged, bullet-proof, American
product driven by TurfTeq’s 13hp,
Honda-engined tractor that
also powers the TurfTeq Power
Sweeper, Edger/Trencher, Roughcut Mower and Snow Plough.
To rent or purchase, call
GroundsCare Products on 0118
981 1313 or visit