Landscape & Urban Design Issue 16 2015 | Page 48

Industry Conference Elevates Soil To Its Rightful Place In The Landscape Hierarchy An innovative conference for landscape Sue Illman of Illman Young Landscape Design for species-rich grasslands, understanding soil professionals, ‘Soil – meeting the challenges presented on the many aspects of Sustainable pH, and the new 2015 version of BS3882. of a changing landscape’, took place on 14th Drainage System (SuDS) design, and how soils October at the Howbery Park Conference are a fundamental part of their function. The Centre in Wallingford, Oxfordshire to mark the presentation covered a number of practical UN’s International Year of Soils. Six industry aspects, including the need to understand experts, including conference organiser Tim the geology in SuDS design, the soils required O’Hare and past president of the Landscape for different sorts of SuDS, issues relating to Institute, Sue Illman, presented to 90 contaminated land, and point source and delegates, who included landscape architects, blanket infiltration. garden designers, landscape contractors, topsoil suppliers and tree nurseries. With the engaging title ‘The Topsoil Journey – from lovely drop of gear to exact science’, George Longmuir reflected in his presentation on how natural topsoil was bought and sold in the past when greenfield sites were abundant, the ‘muck away’ influence, today’s established topsoil blending operations to produce BS3882 topsoil, and the future of City silviculture and the dynamics of the designer soils to meet individual project urban landscape was the subject addressed requirements. The London Olympics was used The conference was the brainchild of soil by Johanna Gibbons. From John Evelyn to the as a ‘best practice’ case study. scientist Tim O’Hare, who has provided soil rapidly evolving field of urban forestry and science consultancy to some of the country’s expanding urban populations, Jo drew from highest profile public realm landscape the foundations of the notion of sustainability schemes, including the Queen John Melmoe, Commercial Director of multiaward winning landscape contractor Willerby Landscapes, gave the contractor’s perspective Elizabeth Olympic Park, The Garden on selecting and applying the correct soils for the job, Bridge, Jubilee Park, Chavasse discussing the importance of pre- Park, Battersea Power Station and construction planning, advanced King’s Cross Regeneration. His procurement, site testing of soils, objective for the conference was correct handling, and hold points to provide a platform for debate by during installation. He highlighted the landscape sector on the issues projects where soils have had a around soil, to give delegates a significant importance and bearing practical soils tool kit to which they can refer when they next embark on rooted in forestry practice through to the a landscape project, and to ensure soil is current call to arms by pressure groups such elevated to its rightful place in the landscape as Trees and Design Action Group (TDAG) hierarchy. through publications such as ‘No Trees, No First to speak, on the significance of soil in Environmental Impact Assessments, was Senior Associate at Tim O’Hare Associates, Rob Askew. A nationally recognised and industry-accepted standard set of Significance on the contractor’s programme, including Jubilee Park, Chavasse Park, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park South Park and, more recently, Cubitt Park, King’s Cross. Future’. She argued for a cross disciplinary One surprising theme that emerged from all collaborative approach from soil science, of the presentations was the need to specify community engagement, engineering and soils on a ‘project-specific’ basis and to not rely ecology in realising the value of the urban on the British Standard for Topsoil (BS3882). forest. Speaking after the conference, Tim O’Hare Criteria to help assess the potential impact Tim ‘Practical commented: “I am delighted with how of infrastructure projects on Greenfield soil applications of soil science for today’s well the conference was received by all the resources (topsoil and subsoil) does not landscape’ gave delegates useful, practical delegates. We have had tremendous feedback currently exist. Rob presented examples of information they could take away and on the quality and relevance of the speakers’ bespoke Significance Criteria for assessing apply to their future landscape projects. presentations and I really do believe we have agricultural land and soil resources, which Drawing on his 23 years’ experience working put soils back at the top of the landscape have been used on recent major national within the landscape industry he clarified agenda. If this means that soils form part of the Environmental (EIA) some of the more common soil issues and very early planning stages of future projects projects, including HS2 Phase 1 (London to misunderstandings that arise on projects, – as they should – then this conference will Birmingham). including id X\