Displays & Carpet Bedding
Your ideas are designed, planted and grown on at the nursery and delivered ready for you to install.
On delivery, the pre-rooted tiles of plants are simply slid out of their trays onto a pre-prepared bed,
transforming the bed into a colourful work of art within hours. The displays can also be used for
exhibitions as they are delivered in mobile units. The price of an InstaPlant® carpet bed is approx.
£135/m2 plus a £200 design fee.
....You imagine it, we design it, plant it, deliver it, you enjoy it!
We also design and produce 3D InstaPlant®
displays to order. 3D displays of up to 4 metres
high can be produced. Each display is fabricated
in steel with an internal irrigation system and is
planted-up, grown on and delivered to site.
£50 discount for all orders on InstaPlant products before
January 2016 with the order code INSTALSUD50
This art form has previously been limited to
specialists, but InstaPlant® gives people who
would not normally have attempted to create a
decorative bed, the chance to have one produced
and delivered to be planted up with ease. All that
we require is a drawing or photo to base the
design on. We can also provide individual plants
for anyone who prefers to plant the display up
in the traditional manner. Carpet Bedding is now
available to everyone!
For carpet bedding enquiries please contact Chris Harnett, request the InstaPlant brochure or visit: