Why You Should Choose Decking
From John Brash
John Brash is setting new industry standards for the quality of its decking. When others said it couldn’t be done,
John Brash has become the first company in the UK to achieve the CE Mark for its complete range of decking.
Did you know?
JB CitiDeck was developed specifically
for London’s Olympic Park. It has non-slip
properties that make use and accessibility
available to all .
It has a range of four types of decking:
commercial environment like Nando’s. The boards were straight
JB AntislipPlus
and parallel, making for easier installation and producing an
JB CitiDeck
excellent finished appearance.”
JB Standard
JB Classic
Decking for East Enders
The 110-year-old family-run business is a specialist in anti-slip
decking that is increasingly being used in public spaces and
buildings such as offices, schools and hospitals, where public
safety is paramount.
Decking on the menu at Nando’s
JB Standard decking has just been installed in a new social
housing development in the East End of London. The three
blocks of five and six-storey high residential apartments all have
balconies, which the architects specified should feature timber
Because anti-slip decking wasn’t a specification of the building
Nando’s has recently opened in a converted Victorian school
requirements on this project, the construction company looked
building in the heart of Aberdeen city centre. The Academy
at a number of other options and chose JB Standard for two
Shopping Centre has a central open-air courtyard where shoppers
reasons: its resistance to deflection and, most importantly, the
can enjoy alfresco eating and drinking, so John Brash decking was
strength of the boards, which meant that the width between the
top of the bill for its outside dining area.
support spans underneath the decking could be further apart. The
As the decking is open to the elements, the surface treatment
had to be weather resistant and safe for pedestrians, wheelchairs
strength of the boards meant that the contractor was able make
savings on the amount of steelwork required for the balconies.
and pushchairs. The company’s JB CitiDeck® was chosen as it is
The contractor praised John Brash’s technical department for
a smooth-profile non-slip timber deck board designed for use
having such detailed information readily available.
in urban environments where inclusivity and accessibility are
The Aberdeen-based contractors who installed the John Brash
decking said: “JB CitiDeck® is solid and hard-wearing: ideal for a
60 Landscape & Urban Design Issue 15
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