Recycled, Stylish, Maintenance Free
– What’s Not To Love?
You can’t go far these days without seeing a Marmax product.
the company has only really scratched the surface of its own
Whether it’s a picnic bench, school play equipment; garden
planter; or even the ground underfoot, this North East
company’s products are everywhere. And for very good reason.
Currently the product range consists of recycled plastic outdoor
furniture, play equipment, boardwalks, fencing and planters.
Marmax Recycled Products are made out of 100% UK recycled
The company has won numerous awards for its innovation and
plastic. 2 pint milk containers to be precise. Milk containers
environmental credentials. They contribute to charities with
which would otherwise be clogging up our landfill sites
whom they work, and recently donated an entire playground
and causing a scourge to our green and pleasant land. This
full of equipment to a local special educational needs school.
recycled material can be made into pretty much anything, and
We spoke to Jackie Robshaw, their
over their lifetime meaning that they cost
Branch Manager, to find out more about
a huge amount less than similar timber
the success of this exciting and forward-
products would. They are UV resistant
thinking company.
too, and resistant to graffiti. They are
Why do you think Marmax has seen
such growth over the last few years?
also more resilient to other types of
vandalism, as well as being much less
flammable than wood. All products come
People have become much more
with a 10 year guarantee and are all
environmentally aware over the last few
made and manufactured wi thin the UK.
years – there is a much higher demand
for sustainable quality products made
from recycled materials
Apart from the environmental reason,
what are the other benefits of Marmax
Recycled Products?
How many milk containers have you
used up?
Marmax Recycled Products’ commitment
to recycling has saved over 290 million
milk containers from going to landfill
over the last 7 years! In turn these
Our products are durable, easy to clean
have been transformed into a range of
and are completely weatherproof. They
sustainable furniture and play equipment
won’t rot, corrode or splinter and will
for the leisure and tourism industry.
never need painting. They last forever –
44 Landscape & Urban Design Issue 15
Who are the main customers?
We cater for Schools, Fishing Clubs,
Wildlife Trusts, Parks, Gardens, theme and
leisure parks, Pubs and Breweries. We
also produce Dog Agility equipment for
the Dogs Trust and a number of animal
charities, donating 5% of the sale back to
the charities.
What are the most popular products?
Benches, planters, play equipment
and boardwalks are the most popular
at the moment, but we are constantly
looking at ways in which we can grow
our product ranges in line with our
customers’ requirements. We love a
challenge! Some of our most popular
products are listed below. They are all
available in: Black, Brown, Green, Blue,
Rainbow, Red or Yellow.