Bespoke bench and Urbis design water bowl.
Numerous comments were made about the soft feminine,
The underlying message of the garden also touched many of the
medicinal planting in blues, purples and whites of the charity’s
visitors. This was created through a simple design of stepping
logo and the public were particularly interested in the use of
stones to mark each decade of the charity’s work, botanical panels
Allium sphaeracephalon, Pennisetum orientale ‘Tall Tails’ and
representing children and women who are no longer with us, and
Salvia nemerosa ‘Caradonna’. Also popular were the three multi-
a living wall for all the women, children and families thriving due
stemmed Silver Birch generously donated by Hedgeworx and the
to the charity’s work, all centred around a circular patio with the
large contemporary water bowl from Urbis Design. The living wall
motto ‘Our Research for your family’s future’. >>
by Biotecture was a real focal point with a lot of interest in the
planting combination of ferns, heuchera, vinca and carex as well
as the structure itself.
GftK vdw 840 pointing product (supplied by London Stone) being
applied by Paul Tattersall
Patio starting to take shape.
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 15