Landscape and Urban Design Issue 47 2021 | Page 36



Bringing light to outdoor spaces is a complex job . A complete outdoor lighting solution must meet the needs of the space , the people in it , and the environment . Graeme Shaw Technical Application Manager at Thorn Lighting ( part of the Zumtobel Group ), explains how it is now possible to incorporate stylish design with exceptional energy efficiency and good colour rendering .
Street lighting is something that today we all take for granted but , just because we take it for granted does not mean that it will always be there – as recently evidenced within a number of local authorities , who took the decision to switch off street lighting in certain areas to reduce costs . Understandably this caused a backlash with local residents and road users concerned with the issue of safety on their streets at night . There are many arguments for and against ; local authorities have cutback , but at what cost ? Are they aware that with new technology in place they could still achieve notable savings without turning the lights off at all ?
Functional lighting Functional lighting is usually provided by luminaires designed specifically to satisfy precise tasks and functions , with key requirements including high performance , ease of installation and maintenance and , perhaps more importantly , safety and security . Using LED with a white light provides the perception of a safer environment for both drivers and pedestrians . In fact tests show that motorists are able to detect roadside movement faster , and from a greater distance , with white light , thus allowing more time to react to danger or to stop if someone steps out into their path .
Urban lighting Character and definition are vital when lighting an outdoor space – good illumination can open up outdoor spaces after dark , transforming and defining them , whilst supporting people ’ s wellbeing and making urban areas more liveable . Generally , urban lighting is provided by decorative luminaires which are integrated into the design of the environment , and whose appearance enhances the look of the space both by day and by night . Key features of good urban lighting are low glare , good uniformity , aesthetic quality and good colour rendering . Superior colour rendering and correct levels of brightness make it easier to distinguish shapes and people ’ s features during the
hours of darkness . As a result of this increased visibility , it makes the streets feel a safer place to be .
Architectural lighting Good architectural lighting provides orientation points and highlights the landmarks of a city , whilst also encouraging social interactions . It can give a familiar landmark a whole new identity – or even a whole new colour . Architectural luminaires help to highlight materials , details and shapes and can range from tiny accent lights to powerful projectors and wall-washers . Key features of architectural lighting include high mechanical and optical flexibility , controllability , aesthetic quality and a wide choice of mounting options .
Good design should go hand in hand with an energy efficient product . Having addressed the aesthetics , another very important reason for switching to LED technology is the cost savings involved . Over the past few years as budgets have been cut there has been a great deal of pressure to reduce the energy consumption of street lighting and its associated carbon emissions .
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