median to build upon experience from rotation to rotation , enabling sustained progress over time . This eFP SOP is an invaluable resource for subordinate units of the Battle Group as well for referencing the unified standard for tasks such as Call for Fire and conducting a Passage of Lines . By serving as the common standard across the Battle Group , the eFP SOP provides continuity and predictability within a non-doctrinal , multinational tactical fighting formation .
Future rotations in Battle Group Poland will continue to enhance and refine the eFP SOP as they develop more effective procedures through their own training . Moreover , as future editions of the eFP SOP become more detailed and robust , rotational units will be able to rapidly integrate into the Battle Group at a higher degree of interoperability than that of their predecessors . Units that integrate within the Battle Group at higher levels of interoperability from the beginning of their rotation will be able to focus a greater portion of their training cycle on executing complex Battle Group level training exercises which will enhance the Battle Group ’ s readiness to operate and fight as a multinational force . In this way , the eFP SOP will not only preserve gains in readiness from previous rotations , but also help future rotations to exponentially expand the Battle Group ’ s interoperability and capabilities .
Final thoughts During the most recent six month rotation , Battle Group Poland has expanded its readiness and capabilities through building interoperability and strong relationships between the multinational partner units . Developing this cooperation and shared trust between the contributing nations is critical to the success of Battle Group Poland as an effective unit and reflects NATO ’ s strength as an alliance . The Battle Group has made exceptional improvements in its interoperability and demonstrated the ability to fulfill its mission as a rapid response force through exercises such as Wojtek Fire , Mercury Rising , and Bull Run . Sustaining this progress through the eFP SOP will pave the way for future rotations to make eFP BG Poland an even stronger and more effective fighting force . LC
WHAT IS THE eFP ? NATO has enhanced its presence in the eastern part of the Alliance , with four multinational battlegroups in Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Poland . These battlegroups , led by the United Kingdom , Canada , Germany and the United States respectively , are multinational , and combat-ready , demonstrating the strength of the transatlantic bond . Their presence makes clear that an attack on one Ally will be considered an attack on the whole Alliance .
NATO ’ s battlegroups form part of the biggest reinforcement of NATO ’ s collective defence in a generation .
-For more information on NATO enhanced Forward Presence ( eFP ), please visit the following link : https :// shape . nato . int / efp