HQ ARRC , like the other GRF ( L ) HQs , have affiliated Divisions and Brigades that in a time of war can expect to fight alongside of . Training and learning together builds a cohesive ‘ team of teams ’ that will be resilient and lethal in war . I took the opportunity to meet with Sergeants Major in person where possible , but when not possible , an email , letter or phone call had to suffice until we could meet personally . A pleasing by-product of NATO ’ s recognition of the NCO cohort has been member states individually placing greater emphasis on NCOs and what they bring to the table . Rank does not equate to knowledge , skills , and experience ( KSE ). The result were more activities and training opportunities across the Alliance – in the past reserved for commanders only – opened to allow their Sergeants Major to attend to represent “ the soldier ’ s voice .” As a result , mutual training support ( MTS ), personal development ( PD ), and opportunities to nurture relationships have been exploited by all the units within the ARRC group . The latter is an area that I think has room for further improvement and therefore warrants my time . The different communication mediums offer opportunities that can contribute to the strengthening of the network . Again , many of these are yet to be exploited to their full potential .
learn it with ,” he said during this conference . For me , it was one of his most important take-aways from the meeting .
We can ’ t ignore COVID-19 The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused HQ ARRC to think differently when it comes to MTS , PD , and networking . The fact that we have a myriad of restrictions has forced us all in the GRF ( L ) community to deliver and network remotely . Arguably in many ways , I ’ m more connected to my NATO teammates now than before the pandemic struck . The use of various social media platforms ( Zoom , Microsoft Teams , etc .) have allowed our various networks to communicate much faster and flatter than previously experienced . All the methods I ’ ve described are over unclassified means . The shortfall of a classified means of communications , aside from that available in barracks or the limited numbers of us that can use it remotely , is a significant capability gap . Still , the ingenuity of NCOs has allowed us all to work through this issue and deliver meaningful MTS , and PD , whilst maintaining the network safely and sustainably . My only fear is that post COVID-19 we forget the valuable lessons and revert to the old ways of working .
The work begins Having a plethora of great ideas , initiatives , and examples of what had worked across the other GRF ( L ) HQs , I returned to Innsworth . With a new network of friends the vital ground I identified affirmed , I quickly established communications with my fellow national and ARRC Group Sergeant Majors . Opportunities to further develop my international network have continued to present themselves and shouldn ’ t be dismissed . Visiting organisations such as the Swiss Armed Forces College that delivers both advanced and intermediate leadership courses to NCOs from across NATO was one such opportunity . Abseiling from a cable car with your life in the hands of an NCO that you had only met that morning certainly develops an abundance of trust and respect very quickly . Having looked up , left , and right I then focused on those that matter , the men and women that this and other GRF ( L ) HQs have the privilege to command in a time of war .
Parting thoughts


As I near the end of my time as the Command Sergeant Major here in HQ ARRC , I ’ m immensely proud of how far we have come as a team . With everybody recognising that NCOs are subject matter experts within their own right , thus ensuring that COM ARRC ' s intent is met at every opportunity , this constant pursuit of excellence should be instilled into every undertaking across the Alliance . We as NCOs must continue to influence change for the good and benefit of everybody by creating a faster , flatter structure with open dialogue where everybody ’ s opinion is valued . The chain of command doesn ’ t have the answers to all the questions . And that ’ s the value we bring to our organisations . That , and our dedication to professionalism and progress . For , when you leave your respective HQs at the end of your assignment , the best NCOs leave the jersey in a better place than when they arrived . LC