If you want to become a good leader you have to go through a never ending process of studying , training , education , and self-assessment .
and concept of operations using the official approved terminology . Focus on key tasks for intent . Make the concept of operations – the how , when , and where of the plan – the masterpiece of your orders and , once again , make sure it is understood at the very least two levels down . As a leader , your words are among your most important tools , so if your team does not know its ultimate goal , or if it doesn ’ t have a good understanding of the plan to get there , or if it doesn ’ t appreciate how its personal contributions are vital , you ’ re probably doing something wrong as a leader . Send a clear , simple message almost continuously . Young leaders want the reassurance that they ’ re pursuing the goals you think important . Your experience will give you the balance between providing too much or too little guidance .
Provide Vision Leaders provide vision . The leader ’ s vision becomes the reason why the organization exists and is the basis for every decision its members make . Make sure your vision is achievable , resourced and measurable . A vision that does not answer these simple requirements is not a vision . It becomes simply a dream and your staff will understand it as such . People follow the leader first and the vision second . If people see you as an effective leader , if they trust you , they will be committed to your vision . Your people want clear direction . If you are able to provide them with a clear sense of direction , you will give them the latitude to make sound decisions , even in the absence of specific orders . And , because each decision is made under a single unifying vision , all decisions become mutually reinforcing , accelerating achievement at an exponential rate . Whatever you do , always remember the essence of being a leader : sharing your vision with people and inspiring them to follow your cause .
Grow Leaders
What is Modern Military Leadership ? A Primer - Posted January 3 , 2018 , MGEN F . A . McLachlan
Military # Leadership in the 21st Century - Posted 27 March 2016 , http :// THESTRATEGYBRIDGE . COM , Several Authors .
Lieutenant General J . T . Thomson and Senior NATO Mentor Lieutenant General ( Ret ) di Marco during an exercise briefing for Eagle Meteor 19 .
As a leader you have the responsibility to develop the next generation . How would you do it ? Mainly by your behavior . Your subordinates see you , study your vision , and listen to what you say . In every situation you , as a leader , have to set the example . You have to create in your subordinates the appetite to become like you . Focus on being the role model . Leading by example is an essential part of leadership . This also applies to learning . Teach others about the value of development by continuously developing yourself further . Make development a headquarters-wide process .
Establish the value of learning in the organization . Move beyond focusing on results and use every assignment as a learning opportunity . Use problems as opportunities to develop . Exploit the difficulties and the failures , transforming them into opportunities to learn and improve . Take advantage of the updates / briefings the staff present to you and transform them into opportunities for the staff to learn and appreciate your way of making decisions and taking responsibility . Many members of your staff may not see you very often , so transform every opportunity in a development session .
If you want to become a good leader you have to go through a never ending process of studying , training , education , and self assessment . Good leaders never stop learning and never stop adapting their behavior to situations they face . Effective leaders are adaptive and agile . Your subordinates want to learn from you . They always look for a model to follow . Be that model and give them an example to follow . Demonstrate to them you are not a self serving leader who works at the expense of your subordinates to present a good picture of yourself to your superiors . On the contrary , a real leader who loves the organization he or she is a part of , wants to be sure they do their best to prepare the future Leaders . LC
Leadership Management : Principles , Models and Theories . Dr . Manoj Kumar Sharma and Miss . Shilpa Jain . Global Journal of Management and Business Studies . ISSN 2248-9878 Volume 3 , Number 3 ( 2013 ), pp . 309-318 © Research India Publications http :// www . ripublication . com / gjmbs . htm