SPRING 2020 from the


Lead , Follow or Get Out of the Way !

10 Guidelines on Leadership
I ’ m often asked about the components and qualities that go into making effective noncommissioned officer ( NCO ) leaders . While each Alliance member nation approaches development of their own enlisted leaders in different ways , there are several common traits ( in my opinion ) that mark superior NCO leadership across NATO . I ’ ve broken these down into ten simple guidelines :
1 . Leadership should never be confused with “ Likership ” or “ Loudership ”. In other words , the decisions required of a leader are not always the popular expectation , nor should they be the result of frustrated hostility .
2 . Never underestimate the speed of rumours over relevance . If you want an accurate and sincere message , give it in person and to the audience that needs to hear it in a timely manner .
3 . You can ’ t make time , you have to take it . This means you stop doing what you ’ re doing if its not productive and take time to get out of your office to find out what ’ s going on in your troop , unit , brigade , or formation .
4 . Take time to develop yourself , your subordinates , and spend time preparing your team members to replace you when the time comes . Never stop challenging young NCOs with roles and responsibilities that exceed their current terms of reference . If knowledge is power then arguably shared knowledge is lethal .
5 . Invest early and often in Professional Development ( PD ) and or Professional Military Education ( PME ). Understand the Command ’ s vision for the development and always be aware of the desired outcomes of the training and education you ’ re receiving or delivering . If it ’ s not obvious , ask . If you know and others your responsible for don ’ t , then it ’ s your responsibility to tell them !
6 . Structured learning isn ’ t the only effective means of maturing your leadership abilities . Self Development is an important part of maturing into each rank requirement . Discovery learning allows for autonomous , enduring growth that can forever change a leader . This piece of a leaders journey allows for the realization of a more sincere version of each leaders character .
7 . Leaders develop in a variety of ways . There isn ’ t a single solution that exists for the design of an effective leader . Within the Alliance there are multiple paths to seniority and leadership responsibilities . This brings an enviable diversity to the fight , and ultimately creates a deterrence that our competition lacks . Innovation , coupled with our varying approach to finding solutions and planning allow for creative and original problem solving .
8 . In the NATO environment , a successful senior NCO must possess solid understanding of the structure and commands that dictate the vision and intent for the Alliance . In addition to being an effective leader he or she must be strategically , operationally , and organizationally fluent . This inherent ability is paramount within the NATO Command Structure ( NCS ) and NATO Force Structure ( NFS ). With firmly grounded internal compass , these NCOs can then drive straight towards readiness .
9 . At the CSEL level , the most senior of the senior NCO cadre must not only understand the Command and Control constraints for enablers , but they must also have a heightened familiarization with the NATO Military Structure ( NMS ) and the Strategic Campaign Plan .
10 . Competition demands us to play hard , play safe , but most of all , play to win !
In summary , Land Forces should strive to develop educate and train leaders to fully understand the threat environment , anticipate and adapt to ambiguity while working with mutual trust in Alliance leaders who are empowered through mission command . NATO NCOs of character should know how to think through problem areas , especially in the human domain . These transformational leaders depend on mission command , relationship building , and a cultural of continuous learning . LC
LANDCOM Command Senior Enlisted Leader