Izmir since Turkey joined the Alliance in 1952 . LANDCOM is one of several NATO activities currently operating in the Turkish province . From 1952 – 2002 it operated as Allied Land Forces Southeast , a 4-star headquarters commanded by both U . S . and Turkish commanders during that period . In 2002 , after the Prague Summit , it transformed into NATO ’ s Air Component Command and operated as such from 2002 – 2013 . In 2013 , following a NATO command structure review , it officially returned to the land domain as LANDCOM and has the mission to coordinate and synchronize NATO and Partner land forces by enabling land domain readiness , interoperability , standardization , and competency . LANDCOM has the additional mission to deploy headquarters elements to provide planning , coordination , and command and control capabilities to Allied forces .
General Wolters emphasized the importance of commanders learning as much as possible from the different war fighting domains represented at the conference , as well as representatives from ACT . “ For all of us , every time we visit a fellow domain organization , we ’ re pleasantly surprised with what we learn . You walk away from that experience with a far better understanding of how to be successful to contribute outside of your specific domain ,” he said .
Allied Command Operations and Allied Command Transformation are NATO ’ s two strategic military commands . ACO , commanded
by the SACEUR , is responsible for all Alliance military operations . The command headquarters , known as Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe , or SHAPE , is located in Casteau near Mons , Belgium . The mission of ACO and the SACEUR is to contribute to preserving the peace , security and territorial integrity of NATO member nations in its area of responsibility .
ACT , headquartered in the United States near Norfolk , Virginia , is commanded by French Air Force General André Lanata . The organization ’ s mission is to contribute to preserving the peace , security and territorial integrity of Alliance member states by leading the warfare development of military structures , forces , capabilities and doctrines . ACT ’ s mission complements ACO as it enables NATO to meet its level of ambition and core missions . LC