SPRING 2020 building activities and ice breakers to enhance their socialization as NCOs with an aim of discovering the diversity of cultures . It ’ s also a chance for students to see the spectacular landscape of Switzerland . The combination of lessons and social events enables attendees to discover both the beauty and difficulty of leadership far beyond expectations . Leadership is a skill that requires the combination of selfknowledge , experience , professionalism , and humility . It is an ever changing adventure . Broad personal and professional development is crucial for a successful senior NCO . The more we understand the concept of NCO leadership , the more knowledge we can absorb from courses like the NCO Advanced Leadership Course in a Multinational Environment . LC
Switzerland has been participating in the Partnership for Peace ( PfP ) programme since 1996 . PfP is a political initiative that is jointly realised by the 29 NATO member states and 22 partner states . Cooperation within PfP is aimed at enhancing trust and transparency in sensitive areas relating to security and defence policy . The objective of the partnership is to promote the security policy dialogue in the Euro-Atlantic area and to enhance peace , democracy and security in Europe through substantial cooperation .
The Swiss Armed Forces College , SAFC The main task of the Armed Forces College is to train commanders from company to brigade level and staff officers from battalion to brigade level . Further , the SAFC is responsible for the education and training of regular officers and noncommissioned officers .
Armed Forces Professional NCO School , NCOS The BUSA is the central place of training for professional NCOs . It is also in charge of the training of specialist teachers in the methodological-didactical field . The NCOS has the following tasks : - Run the Basic Training Courses ( BTC / GAL ) for prospective professional NCOs - Run the Advanced Training Courses and Supplementary Training Courses for professional NCOs - Be the Competence Centre for sports - Be the Competence Centre for the national languages German , French and Italian - Be responsible for the training and supplementary training of specialist teachers - Be ready to take over modules / sequences of training offers at SAFC ( Senior Cadre Training ) level and to support specific activities - Run Supplementary Training Courses with methodological / didactical content for specialist teachers who temporari- ly teach in military schools of the LBA ( Logistical Base of the Armed Forces ) - Assume the role of the operational tenant of buildings the NCOS works in within the context of property management of the Department of Defence , Civil Protection and Sports - To ensure proper international NCO training in preparation for international assignments .
For more information on SAFC , visit www . vtg . admin . ch / en / organisation / kdo-ausb / hka . html