“ The composition of my team is a perfect example of how to execute mutual training support ,” said Italian Army Colonel Massimo Crocco . “ This ensured an environment where the training audience was able to reach their training goals .”
demonstrated a successful blend of NATO Command Structure and NATO Force Structure entities in support of NATO exercises . Italian Army Colonel Massimo Crocco , LANDCOM Deputy HICON Chief , reported this success to U . S . Army Lieutenant General J . T . Thomson , LANDCOM Commander , during his visit to EAST 19 on distinguished visitor day . “ The composition of my team is a perfect example of how to execute mutual training support ,” said Italian Army Colonel Massimo Crocco . “ This ensured an environment where the training audience was able to reach their training goals .” During all phases of the exercise , HICON proved a powerful tool for the exercise director in enabling NRDC-T to achieve their training objectives . In addition to training in a non-Article V crisis response operation , the aim of the exercise was to integrate NRDC-T and their Very High Readiness Task Force Brigade ( TUR VJTF Bde ) in preparation for NRF 2021 . It also served as a primer for some HICON augmentees whose commands will have a NRF role the same year .
“ This was good practice , you were well prepared , and you gave [ good ] guidance ,” said the former NRDC-T and ISAF Commander . He then implored the staff to maximize the training opportunity by making these types of exercise situations as difficult as possible . “ Every day we have VTC problems even without cyber attack ,” he said . “ Have liaison officers brief on behalf of the commanders ” to fully exercise staff operations [ in a degraded environment ], said Lieutenant General Erdagl . This was and is sage advice for any organization preparing for their role as part of NATO ’ s response forces now and in the future . LC
“ EAST 19 provided a fantastic opportunity to integrate with the LANDCOM team and develop the working relationship between JFC Naples Operations Division and NRDC-T , as both are preparing for their NRF responsibilities in 2021 ,” said British Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander William Inglis . “ These exercises are essential , not only for those conducting the exercise to train , but also for higher commands such as JFC Naples to send staff and observe how subordinates will conduct their operations ,” he said .
During his closing comments at the end of the SAB , retired Lieutenant General Ethem Erdagl , senior exercise mentor to NRDC-T Commander , Turkish Lieutenant General Kemal Yeni , referred back to NRDC-T ’ s mitigation of the cyber attack with words of praise for how the organization handled the set back . He also had some advice .
Augmentees from NRDC-ITA