Partner nations that travelled to Izmir for the event included Finland , Georgia , New Zealand , Japan , Serbia , Morocco , Ukraine , Mongolia , Switzerland , Australia , South Korea , Azerbaijan , Ireland , Sweden , Bosnia and Herzegovina and Jordan .
The new approach paves the way for specific cooperation with Partner Nations rather than the previous broad brushed approach .
“ One Partner , One Plan will lead to improvements in interoperability in the land domain , and I am confident that the future of land forces interoperability with you , is in good hands ,” said Mr . Parish .
The final guest speaker of the event was Brigadier General William D . “ Hank ” Taylor , the Deputy Advisor to the Ministry of Defence of Afghanistan . His brief covered the current situation in Afghanistan and advances that continue to be made there regarding interoperability of the international forces based in the country . He emphasized efforts made by the commander of the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan to have one entirely linked mission computer and information system to enable rapid and coherent passage of information between the users .
The event closed with brief talks from two Partner nation officers currently serving at LANDCOM . The two officers , Lieutenant Colonel Abulfat Abdulayev of Azerbaijan and Lieutenant Colonel Vasyl Pichnenko of Ukraine , are filling two of the partner staff posts available at the headquarters . Seeing the two officers discuss their experiences in LANDCOM gave attendees a first hand view of the benefits of having their own officers serve in a NATO headquarters , both for the partner nation and for NATO . LANDCOM currently has 17 positions
available for Partner nations , of which three are currently filled .
Partner nations that travelled to Izmir for the event included Finland , Georgia , New Zealand , Japan , Serbia , Morocco , Ukraine , Mongolia , Switzerland , Australia , South Korea , Azerbaijan , Ireland , Sweden , Bosnia and Herzegovina , and Jordan . LC
The Partnership for Peace ( PfP ) is a programme of practical bilateral cooperation between individual Euro-Atlantic partner countries and NATO . It allows Partners to build up an individual relationship with NATO , choosing their own priorities for cooperation .
For more information on Military Partnership at LANDCOM , Visit : https :// lc . nato . int / operations / military-partnership .