qualified in quantitative and qualitative terms under specific conditions . AFS Vol II and AFS Vol VII are fundamental documents for developing capacities , training , and evaluating NATO land forces . NATO is responsible for establishing standards as stated in Military Commitment ( MC ) 0458 / 3 . AFS Vol II sets the standards ( requirements ) for NATO land forces . This document provides guidelines and establishes a common foundation on training , exercises in peacetime , and employment of land forces allocated to NATO . It enables SACEUR and his subordinate commanders to evaluate land headquarters and units and provides a structure to develop a systematic Land Forces Evaluation Manual ( AFS Vol VII ). Its focus is on interoperability requirements to provide clear guidance on the minimum Standardization Agreements ( STANAGs ) related requirements to be implemented by NATO land forces . This also constitutes a basic reference to build training plans and training objectives for NATO land forces . Furthermore , AFS Vol II supports the integration of new member nations by providing long term development goals for their land Headquarters and units . AFS Vol VII establishes the criteria for evaluating Land forces through the medium of CREVAL .
Together with Policy documents , STANAGs , and LANDCOM expertise , it forms AFS Vol II ( structured in accordance with the Main Capability Areas ( MCA ) concept as prescribed for all AFS volumes in AFS Vol I ). As a result of new language , it was therefore essential to update the AFS volumes to reflect these amendments ( see Figure 1 ).
The Aim The core aim of the CREVAL programme is two-fold : 1 - To evaluate and verify the combat readiness of land forces declared to NATO in accordance with their role and nature ( headquarters or readiness category units ). 2 - To provide the commander of the headquarters / unit with recommendations , comments , and feedback to improve their forces and to support commander ’ s certification . The final outcome of the evaluation is a statement on whether the headquarters / unit is mission capable . ( ACO Directive 075-013 and AFS Vol VII )
Other reasons for change ? The other catalyst for changing the process was the NATO Defence Planning Process ( NDPP ), which is a threat informed process conducted every four years . This process develops and adjusts requirements based on the NATO Level of Ambition and results in the Bi-SC Capability Codes & Capability Statements ( CC & CS ). The main idea is the provision of a common language for capabilities in Defence Planning ( DP ) and Operational Planning ( OP ). The CC & CS defines the capabilities used in DP products ( e . g . the Minimum Capability Requirement , Capability Targets , Defence Planning Capability Surveys ) and OP products ( AFS , NRF , RFLs , GFLs and CJSORs ). CC & CS is one of the sources for requirements .
For more CREVAL information , see our explainer videos at : https :// www . youtube . com / user / LandcomHQ