A Belgian Howitzer battery team fires a round downrange at Rena Firing Range , Norway on Oct . 27 , 2018 . The unit is part of NATO ’ s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force , which is exercising in Norway as part of Trident Juncture 2018 . NATO ’ s Trident Juncture 2018 is the largest military exercise ever held in Norway . The exercise tests the military chain from troop training at the tactical level , to command over large forces . It trains the troops of the NATO Response Force and forces from member and partner nations , ensuring they can work seamlessly together . ( NATO photo by U . S . Army Sgt . First Class Michael O ’ Brien , Allied Joint Forces Command Naples Public Affairs .)
A Belgian artillery crew prepares a LG Giat 105-mm gun for live firing at the Rena Firing Range , Norway on Oct . 26 , 2018 . The unit is part of NATO ’ s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force , which is deployed to Norway for Trident Juncture 2018 . NATO ’ s Trident Juncture 2018 is the largest military exercise ever held in Norway . ( NATO photo by Belgian Army Cpl . Sedeyn Ritchie , Belgian Combat Camera .) participants across NCS / NFS studied how Joint Fires were planned / executed and the targeting cycle conducted in both real world operations and exercises from both a friendly and adversarial perspectives . The study yielded challenges with respect to interoperability , planning , execution , exercise design , training and education , and organization and structure .
Using the Doctrine , Organization , Training ,
The establishment of the Joint Effects function in NATO under NCS-A is bringing critical enhancement to NATO ’ s ability to deliver effects .
Material , Leadership , Personnel , Facilities , Interoperability ( DOTMLPFI ) methodology , LANDCOM organized the challenges into work strands and identified a custodian at the strategic , operational , and tactical levels where appropriate to champion the development of solutions with an associated plan of action and milestones ( POAM ). The strategy consists of three phases : ( 1 ) Fight Tonight ( 2018-2019 ): Defining the Problem , Implementing Immediate Fixes and Developing Possible Solutions ; ( 2 ) New Term Goals ( 2019-2020 ): Implementing and Testing Solutions ; and ( 3 ) Long Term Goals ( 2021- 2023 ): Continued Testing , Validating and Refining Solutions .
The initial phase entails defining the problem to be solved and developing
possible solutions . Key tasks during this phase include the creation of a roadmap detailing the way ahead and the POAM for each work strand . This first phase also involves taking certain actions now to improve “ fight tonight ” readiness , including doctrinal and Standard Operating Procedures updates , implementation of interoperability work-arounds , and improvements to the battle rhythm – some of which were integrated in TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 with positive results . The second phase focuses on specific seminars / conferences , training events and exercises to mass our collective efforts with the goal of advancing the progress of one or more work strands to ensure the development of workable solutions and future capability requirements for testing and validation in the third and final phase . The final outputs of the strategy will see