Special Rapid Response Unit training .
conflicts was denied . Nonetheless , analysts hold that the Russian National Guard would be an excellent tool for use in the “ near term ” because it is not well known giving the Russians the option of plausible deniability .
In addition , the Russian National Guard could potentially develop a critical internal role in the balance of Russian power . It is directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation . The Russian National Guard executes their orders with less bureaucracy or
institutional resistance than other forces , based on its loyalty making it a new pillar of the President ’ s power .
Structure and Capabilities
The Russian National Guard is organized into a composed structure , consisting of six main branches or specialties . The territorial organization consists of eight Districts , which have the same name and area of responsibility as the eight Russian Federal Districts . Each District consists of units of different specialties .
Furthermore , there is a Special Purpose Division , as a reserve force . Recent estimates put the current strength around 340,000 troops .
The equipment of the Russian National Guard is basically the same as the former Internal Troops : light weapons , light and armored vehicles , and specific anti-riot and anti-terrorist material . Analysts believe that it has been reinforced with new equipment , such as mineresistant ambush protected vehicles , new helicopters , remote control vehicles , UAV , weapons against underwater sabotage forces and non-lethal weapons .
Although the Russian National Guard is a young organization , it is already a large military force with a wide spectrum of capabilities , providing Russia with an excellent tool for the internal security of the Federation . With the lack of knowledge about its missions , new capabilities and chain of command , analysts have much to learn and understand about its role in the internal Russian power dynamics and its possible future involvement in foreign operations .
The National Guard territorial structure keeps the Russian Federal Districts organization .