to post critical mission data and served as a record for all the data that was presented . Even though the website was new to many of the augmentees , it ’ s easy to use interface and assortment of tools quickly made the distribution of data easier as the exercise progressed . Overall , the integration of information sharing practices into daily operations was essential to the effective conduct of meetings and the battle rhythm .
Battle Staff Training
Battle Staff Training is an opportunity for the HQ Staff to identify shortfalls , best practices , and execute their function . In the run-up to the exercise , there were three opportunities to conduct BST . Each BST consisted of a series of battle drills or scenarios relating to the Battle Rhythm and the products that support it . The results from these actions aided the staff to make necessary adjustments for the evaluation . Battle Drills were vital to synchronizing the processes employed within the OPCEN prior to evaluation . The integration and synchronization of new staff members required a focus on the individual processes and products of the OPCEN . The drills focused on the source and flow of information throughout the organization . Upon completion of the final BST ( LOYAL LANCE ) the OPCEN was fully integrated and prepared for the evaluation . The key take away from the BST was the need for early integration into the established procedures . The sooner new staff members are able to integrate the better . Periodic exercises with identified surges of personnel will only improve the HQs readiness for a crisis .
Products are the building blocks of information that characterize a situation or inform a decision , meeting , or working group . Throughout any headquarters there are a variety of products produced that support different efforts . These products may or may not communicate the ideas that will be shared and add value to the meeting . Leading up to the evaluation , LANDCOM staff had standardised the daily products . Unfortunately , during execution the formats of most products evolved . There were a variety of reasons why change became necessary . The most common was the amount of data being presented . Many of the products in review lacked the consistency in value of information presented . There was much attention placed on the volume of information versus the quality . The volume of information coupled with the frequency of reporting compounded with the existing Battle Rhythm , caused an overload of data . The format and usage of products should be reviewed to ensure they adequately meet the intended impact .
This exercise was a premiere opportunity to evaluate the OPCEN ’ s ability to perform its mandated functions . The challenges encountered identified three clear areas where adjustments could be made in order to streamline future operations . The Battle Rhythm , products and BST are key components to effective operations . Ultimately , for LANDCOM the exercise culminated in with an “ Excellent ” grading in all areas .