Command Senior Enlisted Leader ’ s Message
Chief Warrant Officer Stephen A . Rice Command Senior Enlisted Leader
It is proven that an efficient military hinges on the effectiveness of its Non-Commissioned Officer ( NCO ) Corps . That corps has been the backbone of every construct of war and peace for generations where gunpowder , firepower , maneuver , sea and airpower were the primary means most militaries used . Specifically , the NCO was the stalwart in either deterring conflict and / or assuring military execution , when called upon . Today , many of these constructs remain very relevant , but tomorrow ’ s warfare will confront us with more irregular , indirect and asymmetrical challenges . These could range from hybrid warfare , networking , and artificial intelligence all the way through the use of cyber , big data and misinformation campaigns .
teaching the NCO “ how to think ,” especially in an ever increasing complex new environment . The CSEL cannot do this alone . He or she must also promote , empower and support staff NCOs and NCO leadership positions at all levels . This will also ensure innovative and unfiltered approaches , methods and solutions are considered as options for officers to consider , which ultimately guarantee no good ideas are discounted . This model , in effect , should cascade down through every level within the enlisted corps so advanced thinking will foster more inclusiveness and teamwork , while boosting resilience during challenging and obscure times .
2017 NATO Bi-SC Strategy and NCO Guidelines
As warfare changes , so does the need for the evolution of the NCO ; institutionally , educationally and intelectually . The need for these changes was captured in the 2017 NATO NCO Bi-SC Strategy and NCO Guidelines , signed by the Supreme Allied Commander , Europe ( SACEUR ) General Curtis M . Scaparrotti and Supreme Allied Commander , Transformation ( SACT ) General Denis Mercier on 15 September 2017 . This document recognizes the importance of investing in human capital at every level . It also emphasizes the importance of further developing NCOs at all levels , not only to ensure their knowledge , skills and abilities meet national and NATO expectations for interoperability , but it goes much farther than that . It takes an ambitious approach to recognize untapped potential in creativity , curiosity , adventure and energy often overlooked due to institutional barriers . It methodically optimizes these critical , smart and forward thinkers by linking an NCO ’ s experience with his or her natural strengths and talents , not simply their ranks .
How to Think
The key to success of NCO talent management is the Command Senior Enlisted Leader ( CSEL ). The CSEL serves in this appointed leadership position , not as an additional duty , but as an empowered leader joined with the commander to make up the command team . In addition to fulfilling commander ’ s intent , providing unbiased communications at all levels , advising , and monitoring crucial blind spots , he or she is the key to transforming all NCO training and professional development institutions from teaching what to think to
Academic Excellence
NATO and its Partner Nations represent some of the most robust NCO exchanges and academic excellence in the world . From seminars , symposiums , working groups , workshops , engagements , exercises , training and partnerships , all the way to educating how to operate in a multinational environment at the NATO School Oberammergau and Swiss Armed Forces College , there is no shortage of activities . That said , activity should never be confused with results ; measuring our success is crucial to mission success . We must continue to address our critical capability gaps , strategic imperatives and implications and provide our leaders with measurable , achievable , and relevant outcomes , which tie directly to SACEUR ’ s Enduring Priorities and SACT ’ s Focus Areas . Everyone , whether officer or enlisted , plays a vital role in projecting stability in order to assure the highest probability of success in preserving the peace , security and territorial integrity of our Nations , the NATO Alliance and the Partner Nations we support .
The Non-commissioned Officer Corps stands ready !
For the Soldier !