By Mr . Tugrul Sengezer ( TUR ) and MAJ Lewis Seau ( USA ), LAND- COM
NATO ’ s reinforced deterrence and defence stance along it ’ s eastern flank was fulfilled with the launch of four enhanced Forward Presence ( eFP ) Battle Groups ( BG ) in June of 2017 . Recognizing Command , Control , Computers , and Communications ( C4 ) interoperability for such an effort is a colossal task ; JFCBS , HQ MNC NE , and HQ MND NE ’ s signal community immediately began coordination to ensure the ‘ Voice of Command ’ is heard across the battle-space .
LANDCOM has been working with 29 NATO nations with varying personnel , equipment , and training to identify shortfalls in their tactical communication capabilities . Specifically in the Baltic region with the eFP nations on the forefront of the visible deterrence element . Tactical communications using compatible radio systems and encryption is critical . Speaking in clear mode in today ’ s environment is a risk and subjects our allies to effortless compromise by hostile forces . This concern is a reality the eFP BG maneuver units face daily at the front .
Preliminary staff estimates to guarantee Minimum Military Requirement ( MMR ) for Communications and Information Systems ( CIS ) capabilities are met identified secure voice and data as the gate for affirming Initial Capability ( IC ). These mission essential services across multiple Host Nations ( HNs ), and BG command posts were validated last year .
In an attempt to provide a network across a multi-national geographic battle-space , the multi-echelon CIS community looked at the Federated Mission Network ( FMN ) principles . Their efforts at creating a plug and play solution for network integration is the first tangible network of its kind ever attempted in NATO . Once complete , it will set the baseline for future network requirements , capabilities and allow nations to easily integrate into Mission Secret ( MS ) networks .
Overcoming secure tactical voice challenges by exchanging radios between units or use of a tactical voice bridge ( TVB ) are suggested solutions to overcoming the interoperabilty gap . The exchange of radios is recommended for static locations , and the current maneuver interoperability recommendation is the use of a TVB . IP over radio is another solution tested by LANDCOM which may also serve as an interim solution to tactical interoperability problems .
STEADFAST COBALT ( SFCT ) exercise series is an Allied Command Operations ( ACO ) led exercises aimed to test interoperability amongst NATO Response Forces ( NRF ) and land forces . LANDCOM has been using this exercise series as a venue for testing tactical interoperability since 2015 as one of the Officer Directing the Exercise ( ODE ).
LANDCOM conducted site visits in September and December 2017 to codify lessons learned for eFP . Although in its infancy , and a lot remains to be done – the eFP CIS capabilities are on glidepath to reach Full Capability ( FC ) by the end of 2018 . This will allow some of the solutions mentioned above to be thoroughly tested , and implemented .