Peace , and the initial moves toward crisis management and “ out of area ” operations .
We are now again facing decisive strategic and operational challenges . A new period of adaptation will require the same level of innovation , robust ideas , and creative re-design of the military posture to set the alliance on a stable foundation and trajectory for the future .
To address the future however , we must understand the broad and layered characteristics of the 21st Century Security Environment . Any attempts to do so would be incoherent without consideration of what I believe are the five foundational tenets that will continue to significantly influence the environment :
�� ���� ����� ��� ���������� ��� ������ ��� human , financial and capital outlays will continue to increase . We must continually assess whether our ways and means of providing security are enabling the ends we seek .
�� ��������� ��������� ����� undoubtedly multiply in number and complexity . Insurgency , terrorism and organized transnational crime will dominate headlines for the foreseeable future . Yet as we ’ ve seen recently in Ukraine , we can never disregard the potential for state on state conflict - be it hybrid and asymmetric or in a more traditionally conventional
Gen . Breedlove participated in LANDCOM ’ s recent Change-of-Command , transitioning command from Lt . Gen . Hodges to Lt . Gen . Nicholson .
form .
�� ������������������������������������ must continue to move forward by aligning strategies that account for modern problems , even as fiscal challenges grip contributors .
�� ��� ����� �� �������� ������������� today ’ s solutions - whether active or passive , can create new and unforeseen problems which eclipse the gravity of the original problem . Understanding the second and third order effects of our strategies as operational approaches are shaped is essential for effectiveness and sustainability .
�� ��������� ���� ��� ������ ������������� are being compounded as our global connections continue to shrink the environment . We contribute to and are influenced by processes and dynamics recently unimaginable . This illuminates the utility and necessity of transnational alliances and institutions to build the security we seek in synch with our shared values .
Russia ’ s aggressive actions in Ukraine and ISIL represent prime examples of current security issues embodying each of these tenets . Russia ’ s actions challenge the fundamental assumptions and baseline principles upon which Europe ’ s post cold war development was founded . These actions appear to illustrate a desire to reset the rules not only in Ukraine , but potentially in other bordering countriesa direct threat to the international order upon which global stability depends .
If there was any doubt of the relevance of NATO before now , the last few months have cleared that up and reinforced the need for our essential core tasks : Collective Defense , Cooperative Security and Crisis Management .
Russia ’ s carefully planned and considered actions represent a clear decision by its leadership to disregard the baseline assumptions and principles that have shaped international stability over the past 25 years and have threatened the notion of a Europe that is whole , free and at peace .
In the past several months , Russia has attempted to use ambiguity to mask its actions - we must in every case eliminate this ambiguity and refute the false narrative . Additionally , we must be clear about what has taken place and be able to identify this sort of activity if it continues to happen beyond the Ukrainian Crisis and particularly if it should occur within NATO ’ s borders .
As we adapt our own forces , structures and methods for the future , we must be clear about what we feel are the challenges and threats that face the Alliance . We need to clearly articulate our role in deterrence and then , if required , our role in defense .
We must be ready to respond appropriately to protect and assure all Alliance members if we are to maintain credibility . It is time to ask ourselves some hard questions :
�� ��� ���� ��������� ������ ���� ��������� enough to respond appropriately ?
�� ���� ��� ����������� ���������� ��� provide a rapid and credible response ?
�� ��������������������������������� and positioned correctly to address the current strategic challenges ?
�� ��� ���� ���������� ���� ���������� measures allow us adequately respond to the destabilizing efforts by Russian snap exercises and ISIL witnessed over the last year ?