FALL 2021 from the

CSEL and we agreed to launch an initiative we call “ NEEDS ”, or NCO Empowerment , Enablement and Decision Support . Our intent is to operationalize this idea and weave NEEDS into the formal CREVAL process . The goal is to give sergeants major a set of analytics they can use with their respective commanders to not only measure the effectiveness of their team , but also serve as a means to demonstrate what it is the NCO corps can provide to higher HQ ’ s in the NFS .

Never would I have expected my second year to look anything like what the world faced in 2020 . It almost goes without saying at this point , but the first half of 2021 proved to be a challenge for individuals , families and organizations alike . But despite the setbacks brought on by the pandemic , the determination and drive of NATO ’ s NCOs did not diminish . We have to know who we are as members of our respective nation ’ s armies , and in line with that , we must clearly define each of our roles in order to fully engage in the largest multinational formation in the world . For NATO ’ s army troops this means our professional NCO ’ s have to continue to adapt and support the overall intent of our alliance no matter the given circumstance .

Commanders know the importance and utility of a strong and unified NCO cadre , and the NATO Force Structure ( NFS ) command sergeants major ability to provide the guidance and opportunity for their respective troops to not only be ready to perform to standard , but to strive for excellence in accomplishing the mission . This summer ’ s NFS Command Senior Enlisted Leader Conference spent some time focusing on this topic ,
What do you get when you combine NATO ’ s best with a live fire training area , and a warrior spirit to perform as a cohesive team ? That ’ s right - you get STEADFAST DEFENDER 2021 . This spring I had the pleasure of engaging with NCO ’ s from throughout SACEUR ’ s AOR that were brought together to showcase their talents in Romania . This was not just any multinational joint operation . It was , for many young soldiers , a long overdue moment to add to their life story , and to learn how counterparts from across the Alliance do the business of soldiering . The feedback I received with the ACO CSEL during our battlefield tour in Romania and Hungary confirmed today ’ s young men and women in uniform are motivated by many of the same things that drove us in the early stages of our career . Soldiers need a story and want to belong to something meaningful , and in the end that team spirit is what makes us all go outside the wire again and again .
In the year ahead , we will witness the passing of the colors from the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps to NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Spain ; representing the War Fighting Corps duties being transferred . This simple action embodies a monumental planning effort , and its execution will be a testament to the dedication of the Alliance to continued , coherent deterrence throughout the NATO Alliance . LC