FALL 2021
China ' S
Influence in Africa
By nic a-3 can Ergen , landcom g2 kda
AFRICA is the world ’ s second largest landmass , the fastest-growing and most populated continent , and hosts one of fastest growing regional economies . China has shown growing interest in the African continent the last two decades , and have surpassed major conventional players in almost all spheres of influence . These developments have attracted global attention to understand Chinese desires and how these events impact international competition in other areas .
provides countries ’ economic sizes and growth figures to help illustrate the economic potential in the continent .
This article examines key areas of the Chinese endeavor in Africa , and tries to provide insight on how these events might possibly affect geopolitics in the continent .
Africa is home to 54 countries ( 28 percent of total number of countries in the world ) covering 30 million square km land1 ( second largest continent and 20 percent of world ’ s land mass2 ), and creates $ 2.42 billion economic output ( 3 percent of global economy ). 3 Figure 1
Figure 1 African Key Economic figures / Source : The World Bank , the UN and Author ' s own calculations
1 . https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / List _ of _ African _ countries _ by _ area 2 . https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = urr53arh--E 3 . https :// data . worldbank . org / indicator / NY . GDP . MKTP . CD ? locations = ZG
4 . https :// www . fmprc . gov . cn / zflt / eng / zjfz / fzzl / t619829 . htm #:~: text = There % 20are % 20an % 20 estimated % 202 % 2C000 , of % 20Africa % 20and % 20Southwest % 20Asia .
5 . https :// travelnoire . com / here-are-the-most-popular-tribes-in-africa