FALL 2021
Doctrinal Note 1.19 : Competition Continuum ) that blurs the boundaries between what we know as war , insurgency and destablisating a-symmetric warfare , seems to perpetuate this . However , through the experience of training and conceptually developing as the warfighting corps , the ‘ non-kenetic ’ or ‘ soft effect ’ view is not only outdated , but incorrect . It can be considered that a communication , strategic or tactical , can be made via kenetic effect , including the purpose of deterrence in support of diplomatic effect / coercive diplomacy . Innovative methods of influence on the battlefield should be explored as a foundation of military planning , rather than a decorative afterthought .
THE UNCHANGING NATURE OF INFLUENCE If everything portrayed to us today by word of mouth ( oral tradition ), writing or pictorially has a purpose , it is safe to assume this was even more true in the ‘ content ’ of the historical past , when content was less ubiquitous and a more precious commodity . As historians will tell you , nothing is unbiased in history and every document , monument , and art piece had a purpose . For example , a medieval castle was not just a practical place of defence , but a representation of authority , deterrence , safety , rule of law , community and wealth . Such is an example of Strategic Communication to effect the thoughts of individuals who not only lived there , but anyone who saw or even heard about it . Thus , generating and crafting the perceptions of individuals through words and deeds is nothing new to create influence .
INFLUENCE IN MILITARY OPERATIONS Influence is often viewed as a ‘ non-kenetic ’ or ‘ soft effect ’, usually related to counter-insurgency operations . This is reflected in the various unclassified publications such as Allied Joint Doctrine Publication 3.10 ( Information Operations ) and counter-insurgency manuals . Ever more , the evolution of doctrinal thinking around ‘ grey-zone ’ confrontation and ‘ three block war ’ ( most recently reflected in the U . S . Joint
THE MISUNDERSTANDING OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is an unavoidable facet of modern life . The reach of communication has never been so instant and ubiquitous , and the effectiveness of that communication has never been harder to judge . Many , particularly in military circles , believe that social media content , such as ‘ tweets ’ or ‘ stories ’ generates influence and an effective presence . While there is the psychological need that people in general are intrigued to know what happens in particular regiments for example , often the content is not planned for any intended effect other than to be ‘ seen to do something ’ and in nearly all cases lack a ‘ call to action ’ ( the resultant behaviour desired ). Thus , many within the military tend to only successfully communicate with themselves and their own military community . The result of which is an effective echo-chamber giving rise to the belief that ‘ we ’ are communicating effectively through numbers of ‘ likes ’ or ‘ shares ’. Yet the reality is that this is nothing more than vanity , which is probably the main reason why most participate on social media . But , the effective result is that ‘ we ’ are unable to see why ‘ we ’ are unable to break out into the wider community and engage with potential interest . Therefore , it is seemingly true that the military community may misunderstand social media fundamentally , and utilize it more effectively to harness the potential to create networks of interest , support efforts to inform and educate the wider public , and generate effective recruiting opportunities .
SO WHAT ? Over the last 18 months , understanding the phenomenon of influence has been a perpetual complex problem for HQ ARRC as it drove towards Corps Warfighting . While the desire to generate influence and effect behaviours is nothing new , its application in a changed technological and interconnected landscape is a challenge . In general , while the individual can logically understand the phenomenon of influence , the importance and application of influence is seemingly less understandable at the community level ( despite being sought after ). The potential of influence activities remains vast and innovative . Hopefully , this short article has made you ( or , dare we say , influenced you ) to consider what role influence plays in your life , and how can you personally and professional apply this basic understanding of influence in the future . LC