FALL 2021
Every twenty-four hours an Air Tasking Order ( ATO ) is released . Hundreds of sorties need to be accurately planned , synchronized and de-conflicted . The ATO , born in the Strategic Division ( SD ), where the COM JFAC intent is reflected in the Air Operation Directive ( AOD ), matures with the Combat Plan Division ( CPD ). It is in the CPD where the role of GLE starts to become essential . The Com LCC ' s representative explain in detail the Air Support Requests ( ASR ) the Land forces are asking for and why is it needed . This daily effort is completed in order to be coherent , not only with the Land scheme of maneuver but also to be coherent with the overall Joint Force Commander ’ s intent .
EXERCISE RAMSTEIN AMBITION 21 From 3-14 May 2021 , AIRCOM conducted their annual internal exercise known as RAMSTEIN AMBITION ( RAAM21 ), held in Ramstein ( Germany ). The exercise is a two week Command Post Exercise ( CPX ) that provides key training for NATO ' s Air Command and Control specialists in a Small Air Heavy Joint Operation within a Joint Environment . This fictitious scenario , based on real life events , presents an excellent opportunity to train and practice Air Land Integration ( ALI ) in order to test GLE procedures .
During the exercise , four staff members from LANDCOM travelled to Ramstein to be part of the Primary Training Audience ( PTA ) within a Ground Liaison Element ( GLE ). The GLE was led by an ARRC OF-5 and composed of representatives from UK JFAC with the support of the 19th US BCD . It was a great chance for LANDCOM representatives to see how a GLE works within a JFAC .
One of the key conditions for an effective GLE is sustainable manning , as there is a requirement to cover every JFAC Battle Rhythm event . Currently , the GLE is an element sent to the JFAC when required for exercises and operations . Nevertheless , having a permanent liaison element within AIRCOM would allow both LCC and ACC staffs to work and train as a single entity , based on daily trusted relationships and continuous training . This would reduce the barriers that sometimes seems to exist between the separate components , where each domain feels it is the most important and requires the support of the others services . Often this is only a question of mutual knowledge and answering , " What can Land do for Air and what can Air do for Land ?".
LANDCOM is working on this ambitious project that , if completed , would enhance effective Air Land Integration . LC
The JFAC is a core element responsible for the Command and Control of air assets and it is one of the most integrated , flexible , responsive and high tempo military processes in existence . The characteristic of Air power places great importance on the accurate coordination and synchronization of the Air Plan . To ensure the coordination and synchronization of effects the following process is followed :