FALL 2020
For instance , a moderator should be assigned for each meeting . While there are certainly more examples , the key takeaway for virtual team leaders is that more rules may be necessary when migrating from the physical to virtual work environment . As with creating a sense of normalcy , setting virtual team rules fosters trust through more transparency and accountability .
Establishing communication tools , creating a sense of normalcy , and setting rules are great ways to create a healthy environment for virtual team leaders , but there were many more lessons learned at NRDC-ESP during the COVID-19 transition to telework . Virtual team leaders should establish the desired results while letting individual team members decide how to best achieve them . Next , it is important to update the continuity plan . Update this plan with the impact of the crisis on the headquarters ’ performance and review priorities in terms of activities , functions , use of information technology , etc . Appoint a planning coordinator or team with defined responsibilities for planning and preparedness and establish a performance continuity steering committee that ensures the continuity plan aligns to the commander ’ s direction and guidance and includes involvement from necessary functional areas of the headquarters . An additional lesson learned is the value of being able to dynamically reshape the headquarters structure and function , so that the main activities and tasks can be addressed effectively and efficiently , depending on the nature and extent of the contingency . Finally , preparing an emergency communication procedure will facilitate the transition to virtual teams . Within this procedure , leaders should consider information technology availability , national recommendations , operational security , and identify critical personnel .
Prepare , Recognize , & Implement The VL20 CRP team was able to demonstrate flexibility and function as a virtual team . Team members acknowledged that collaboration was more challenging and distance created difficulties in team cohesion , but the goal was achieved : A Corps level operations order was created for subordinate divisions and brigades . Now , GRF units face even larger challenges . With COVID-19 restrictions , NATO is more virtual than it ever has been in its long and prestigious history .
Leaders can prepare to lead virtual teams by understanding what a virtual team is , recognizing the challenges associated with virtual teams , and proactively implementing techniques that can mitigate these challenges . A proactive virtual team leader can alleviate trust , communication , and commitment issues by establishing communication tools , creating normalcy , setting rules , and considering the other approaches that were recommended . The iconic military strategist Sun Tzu said , “ In the midst of chaos , there is also opportunity .” Chaos may drive the need to work as a virtual team , but leaders can seek opportunities in the midst of the chaos . LC