FALL 2020 at all levels using the most thorough technique possible given the time and resources available . In February , LANDCOM decided to not only conduct a full rehearsal with all subordinates on a physical terrain model , but also to conduct two separate functional rehearsals . Prior to the combined arms rehearsal , key leaders and staff from LANDCOM and the subordinate Corps held separate events to synchronize Intelligence , Fires , and Sustainment as essential elements of LANDCOM ’ s role as the Multi-Corp Land Component Command ( MC-LCC ). Each of these events allowed functional staff specialists to visualize and synchronize their areas of responsibilities and enabled them to present only the key elements during the combined arms rehearsal in order to allow for a focus on manouvre .
Preparing for the rehearsal Planning for , setting up , and controlling a rehearsal involves the entire staff , and preparation ahead of the event is imperative for a successful and comprehensive event or series of events . Everything from site selection , automation or other equipment requirements , the terrain model or maps you need , and developing a list of participants has to be considered carefully when planning a rehearsal .
LANDCOM took advantage of our newly renovated LANDCOM Izmir Hall which provided enough space for not only the large scale map needed to rehearse across a vast area of operation , but also to arrange stadium seating that provided good visibility for more than 100 participants at a time . Building in a sound system and other automation allowed us to project not only the ROC drill as it happened , but also appropriate accompanying documents like the Synchronization Matrix and Decision Support Matrix used to frame the operation . Our terrain model kit came together in a short time , but still required much coordination ahead of time . Units are recommended to have a standing set of material to support a ROC Drill appropriate to your echelon . Wood cubes , pawns , overlay material , various colored tape and other items are essential to provide the team developing the terrain model / map the ability to represent not only the environment , but also the Battle Space Management layers across multiple functions .
Given that we had the time and elected to conduct two functional rehearsals in addition to the main combined arms rehearsal , LANDCOM ’ s invitation list was rather extensive . Each Corps brought one or two representatives who could participate in each of the functional rehearsals ( Intel / Fires and Sustainment ), as well as their respective Commander and an operations plans