FALL 2020

WELCOME let ’ s get social .

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“ That ’ s awesome !”
“ Thank you LANDCOM !”
Front Cover :
Credit : U . S . Army photo by Spc . Joshua Leonard
YAVORIV , Ukraine – A Ukrainian Marine provides security during a cordon and search mission during the second day of the field training exercise .
Rear Cover : Credit , NATO ’ s Photostream .
Ukrainian soldier waits outside a building during exercise Rapid Trident .
@ EmreInanc
@ LanceVarney

LANDCOM facebook

“ Nice uniforms ” Olde Ranger
“ Amazing ! Loud ! Frightening ! Go NATO !
Kit Doll Shemas
“ Keep up the good work . May God bless everyone of you ”
“ Best wishes and good luck !”
Shikib Ahmad
“ This is amazing !! Very well deserved ”
Kaitlin Power
The LANDPOWER magazine is a bi-annual publication produced by Allied Land Command ( LAND- COM ) dedicated to the promotion of actions and ideas , contributing to the improvement of the NATO Force Structure ( NFS ) efficiency and effectiveness . The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the LANDCOM Commander , SACEUR , NATO or its member nations and cannot be quoted as an official statement of those entities . An electronic version that includes additional links to in-depth articles , supplementary articles and an ability to provide online comments is available from the LANDCOM website ( www . lc . nato . int ).
Dottie Ford

Keep in touch .

Andrew Dawe
To contact the LANDPOWER Magazine staff and / or to submit an article to be considered for publication in the next issue , please use the following contacts :
E-mail : landcompao @ gmail . com pao @ lc . nato . int
Postal : NATO Allied Land Command
flickr . com / photos /
alliedlandcommand /
lc . nato . int
LandcomHQ channel
Public Affairs Office General Vecihi Akin Garrison 35380 Izmir / Turkey
We thank you for your support .
All articles are edited for length and content .
The LANDPOWER Magazine staff :
LTC Travis Dettmer ( USA ) - Editor in Chief SFC David Vivar ( ESP ) - Art Director Ms . Jennifer Wright ( CAN ) - Associate Editor Mr . Ercan Emre Celik ( TUR ) - Graphic Designer