FALL 2020
as well as NATO standards .
The observations in turn require articulation using a new methodology , and whilst there were some extremely insightful and valuable observations made , a key lesson identified is the requirement to provide a training workshop to further develop the evaluators understanding .
Alongside the technical solutions was a requirement to bring in several procedures to aid the evaluation process . A daily synchronisation meeting via Video Telephone Conferencing ( VTC ) between the LANDCOM and ARRC G7 teams , along with Joingt Force Training Centre ( JFTC ) and NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy ( NRDC-IT ), provided a forum to address any issues and requirements at the start of the day . As a planning process must be flexible to meet the needs of the Command Group , this early interaction ensured that the ET was kept informed of any changes to the programme and aware of developments . Due to two hour time zone differences between the UK and Turkey , it was necessary to ensure that all meetings were recorded and uploaded into the portal , which allowed the evaluators time to catch up the next day . The daily CREVAL brief was also conducted via Lync and provided a forum to ensure shared understanding , with the ET Area Leaders ’ cross-briefing important observations .
New approach , new procedures A major feature of the new evaluation approach is a focus on gathering and analysing objective evidence to ensure continuous improvement by informing the evaluated Commander of where they may need to focus the HQ ’ s future training programme . As a result , new procedures were implemented by the CREVAL team , and this was the first time that LANDCOM evaluators had completed observation reports related to their assigned evaluation criteria . In turn , these observations were fed into the area leaders who assimilated the observations into a Daily Situation Report ( SITREP ). Both of these products were uploaded to a CREVAL portal to build up an observation repository , which will eventually inform the assessment made by COM LANDCOM in the CREVAL Formal Report to be delivered upon completion of the Field Evaluation ( Phase III & IV ) in November 2020 . The objective nature of this evaluation provides many challenges to evaluators , with a move away from a checklist mentality requiring a comprehensive understanding of the evaluator ’ s subject matter
The Human Touch Overall , the technical and procedural solutions worked well to enable the ET to gain a comprehensive understanding of HQ ARRC ’ s planning processes , however there was a lingering concern throughout that the focus of the evaluation would be on the products and not the process . This was mitigated by HQ ARRC providing the evaluators access to many of the planning group discussions , which provided them with more of an insight into the methodology applied by HQ ARRC . The importance of human interaction is however hard to quantify , and can often be understated . Whilst HQ ARRC proved particularly adept at providing access to information sources , it would often take a phone call or several email exchanges to assist an evaluator in gaining an in depth understanding of the HQs processes . The explanation of complex or new concepts can often be easily explained in person where physical language and nuances may also be applied , and this is harder to achieve using technical means .
Conclusion After 10 days of intense planning , HQ ARRC presented their decision brief to COM ARRC and subsequently followed this up with a comprehensive plan that will be executed on EXERCISE LOYAL LEDA 20 . The planning phase evaluation was brought to a close with a CREVAL CPP Out-brief led by LANDCOM DCOS Plans , Brigadier General Alba to ARRC Chief G7 , Brigadier General Adam Griffiths , and his team . From a LANDCOM perspective . the ‘ remote evaluation ’ of HQ ARRC was a remarkable success , with a large and motivated ET overcoming the challenges presented by COVID-19 restrictions . The implementation of a new CREVAL methodology was successfully applied and new procedures implemented that worked around the challenges presented by working remotely . The depth of detail and insightful observations made by the area leaders during the CREVAL CPP out-brief were testament to the hard work and professionalism applied throughout by the evaluators and the evaluated entity . This will no doubt bear fruit when the formal report is presented later this year . LC