FALL 2020

The Need for Counter

Corruption Measures in

Preparation of , and

During Military



The destructive and long lasting effects of corruption on the functioning of governments , state institutions , societies and national and international security should not be underestimated . Countries with a high level of corruption are most vulnerable to instability , chaos , conflict and war . In fact , 12 of the 15 lowest ranked countries on the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index are shown to be scene of insurgencies , extremist activities or other threats to international security ( e . g . Yemen , Somalia , Syria , Libya and Afghanistan ).

Corruption is often treated as a constraint to , but not a key inhibitor of stabilization . This perspective however , fails to account for the devastating impact that corruption has on security overall , as was pointed out by the former U . S . Ambassador to Afghanistan R . Crocker who stated , “ The ultimate point of failure of our efforts wasn ’ t an insurgency ; it was the weight of endemic corruption ”
Corruption : Where is it happening today ? There are ample number of examples of corruption effecting societies or destabilizing countries . One example is how Mosul fell in the hands of ISIS / Daesh ; 50.000 Iraqi soldiers assigned to divisions in Northern Iraq to defend Mosul were on the payroll , received a salary , but never showed up for work ( the so called ‘ ghost soldiers ’). In Afghanistan , an Afghan businessman who , while in prison due to his involvement in the Kabul banking scandal , was awarded a massive government real estate contract . Lastly , there is Somalia , where corrupt government officials tolerate illegal activities in return for bribes . Its dysfunctional institutions facilitate an environment of lawlessness , and the absence of any form of regulatory framework hinders
prospects of economic competitiveness . Business is based on patronage networks , and tight monopolies dominate the market . Neglecting corruption in military planning and tasking will hamper the military ability to meet its objectives . Coalition military forces in Afghanistan were not accustomed to dealing with the issue of corruption . It was largely considered a development / governance issue to which no attention was paid , or simply ignored during ongoing military operations conducted in a nonsecure environment . It was not until 2012 that mitigation of the impact of corruption became a line of engagement .
It has been estimated that in 2013 the total amount of bribes paid in Afghanistan exceeded 4 billion U . S . dollars , which is indirectly an effect of the international community ’ s ( including the militaries ) huge funding influx . In societies where there is economic hardship for the majority of the population , and where the state-led development gives place to crony capitalism that benefits only a small minority , results in a vicious cycle where public money is squandered and / or diverted to serve the interests of the elite . Citizens experience a rigged system and lose their trust in the government , while the elite who benefit strive to maintain the status quo , power and incentives which , in turn , further corrupts the system , all in order to maintain their privileges .
This was one of the causes leading to the uprising in Tunisia , which quickly spread and destabilized other countries in the region and ultimately led to the civil wars in Syria and Libya . The grim reality is that most countries in the Middle East North Africa ( MENA ) region are failing in the fight against corruption .
- Transparency International Publication : “ Corruption threats and international missions ”
- NATO Publication : “ Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defense – A compendium of best practices ”
- TI / CIDS / NATO Publication : “ Integrity Action Plan – A handbook for practitioners in defense establishments ”
- DCAF / NATO Publication : “ Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defense and Security Sector ”