FALL 2020


Cooperative Security

Approach and Ukraine as a

Strong Deterrence



Although not a post-Cold War invention , the concept of

Cooperative Security has been frequently used among scholars and policy makers as part of a broad effort to come up with new approaches to security in the unstable and unpredictable world of the 21st Century . Considering today ’ s complex challenges and growing interdependence as a result of globalisation , a comprehensive approach that effectively combines political , civilian and , military instruments through cooperation constitutes the most proper approach to providing and maintaining security .
Cooperative Security – An Evolution Being relatively new , the theory and practice of cooperative security has evolved from a liberal approach to a more pragmatic one . A cooperation based on consultation , reassurance , transparency , interdependence , and consequently , prevention of conflict , proved to be too idealistic to cope with tension and aggression in different parts of the world including the Balkans and Eastern Europe . Today , cooperative security reflects a more “ operationalised ” concept with real use among states within the cooperative security system . As put forward by Richard Cohen , Cooperative Security is a strategic system in which liberal democratic States with shared values , link together within alliances or organizations through transparent cooperation and NATO stands as its best practical example .
NATO ’ s new Strategic Concept , which was adopted at the Lisbon Summit in November , 2010 , as an integral part of the Alliance ’ s ongoing
transformation to address effectively the emerging security challenges , identifies “ cooperative security ” as one of NATO ’ s three essential core tasks . Only through an inclusive network of partner relationships around the globe and their concrete contributions can the Alliance best assure the promotion of Euro-Atlantic security .
Not a new thing NATO ’ s cooperation with partners is not something new . It dates back two decades , when at the London Summit Allies outlined proposals for developing cooperation with NATO ’ s former Cold War adversaries across a wide spectrum of political and military activities . Since then , partner nations have contributed to NATO ’ s core tasks through interoperable military forces to enable readiness for strong deterrence and defence . Partners have sent forces to NATO operations and exercises for successful crises response , and now they have a crucial role in regional security and stability through continuous enhancement of their military capacity and capability contributing to the fulfillment of NATO ’ s newest task . The link between all three tasks of the Alliance through partnership activities provides a better understanding of the complexity of cooperative security .