FALL 2020


An Exercise in Strategic


By Ukrainian Army Colonel Oleksandr SHEVCHENKO , Chief Specialist , Division of International Training Programs and Multinational Trainings , J7 , General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine , which started in February 2014 with annexation of Crimea and continues now in Donbas , has exposed the Western world ' s critical vulnerability in the face of Kremlin ' s power projected " hybrid " policy . The West , being divided and overwhelmed with internal problems and external challenges , experiences a critical lack of unity and concerted actions in terms of Russia , as well as public comprehension of the nature and goals of the Putin ’ s regime , and a fear of a nuclear confrontation with Russia . The threat of a breakdown of the single " sanctions front " is growing , which the Kremlin will perceive as impunity and encouragement for further actions . Thus , the Syrian conflict has proved that the Kremlin ' s imperial policy is not limited to the post-Soviet space , and that Ukraine is only a " transition point ", a springboard for further expansion towards NATO states . The Russian-Ukrainian " hybrid " war is not a local or peripheral conflict . The Kremlin ' s aggression poses a threat not only to Ukraine ' s statehood , its sovereignty , but also to the unity of the EU and the political system of Europe in general . Gradually , there comes the realisation that the world has never been so close to World War III before as it is now .

The Kremlin ’ s Goal , and NATO ’ s Response Tactical tasks of Russia ' s hybrid aggression against the EU are to gradually discredit and blur the basic European values that unite EU countries , disorient public opinion , form an influential pro-Russian lobby in the European establishment , and deepen discrepancies between European states and EU institutions . In Ukraine , Russia ' s tactical tasks are to repel European influence in the post-Soviet territory , increase the Kremlin ' s “ sphere of privileged interest ", and to minimize American presence in the post-Soviet states .
Therefore , it is extremely important to find adequate , effective answers , and form a mutual policy of opposing Russian expansion . The answer should be clearly understood by the aggressor , but should not provoke it to further escalation . In this way , comprehensive support to Ukraine by NATO in these difficult times is one such responses . In 2016 , the NATO Warsaw Summit approved a Comprehensive Assistance Package for Ukraine , which provides support and assistance in 13 areas , including active participation in the conduction of multinational exercises on the territory of Ukraine . The Rapid Trident multinational exercise became one of such exercises .
If we look back , it should be noted that such exercises were also conducted before , but the main idea of those exercises was a joint training of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and units of the Armed Forces of NATO countries under the framework of the Partnership for Peace ( PfP ) program . Over the years the exercise grew in scope and scale .
In 2009 , 775 servicemen took part in Rapid Trident exercise : 275 from Ukraine , 340 from the United States , and 160 from the United Kingdom . By 2013 , the total number of participants increased to 1,234 servicemembers : 735 from Ukraine , 141 from the United States and 358 from 10 other NATO nations ( Poland , Romania , Great Britain , Bulgaria , Sweden , Canada , Norway , Denmark , Germany , and Turkey ).