FALL 2019


Col . Jaime V . Mena Redondo , former G5 Plans Section A Chief and JOPG Coordinator , NRDC-Spain .

During the recent preparations for the upcoming exercise TRIDENT JACKAL 19 , the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Spain ( NRDC-SP ) Joint Task Force Headquarters ( JTF HQ ) Joint Operations Planning Group ( JOPG ) conducted Subphase IIB , Crisis Response Planning . The primary evaluation objective for this phase was to prepare and plan a crisis response operation within a comprehensive , combined and joint operational context . The exercise , held in the Bétera Military Base from June 10-21 , was designed to incorporate all branches and component commands , ensuring each participant contributed effectively to the process in adherence with the Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive ( COPD ).

Crisis Response Planning
Led by Plans Division / G5 Branch , the CRP effort was the main venue to certify the NRDC-SP staff ’ s ability to conduct operational level crisis planning through the establishment of a JOPG . For this exercise , NRDC-SP JOPG leveraged the Skolkan 2 scenario , a demanding NATO Non-Article 5 crisis response exercise designed around a small , joint land heavy operation . The complex operational environment surrounding the scenario afforded many opportunities for the staff to demonstrate planning proficiency .
guidance was critically important for the duration of the exercise , both for the Operational Liaison and Reconnaissance Team ( OLRT ) and the JOPG , because it provided the framework for the OLRT and JOPG to align efforts within the COM ’ s initial intent .
Crisis response planning began with mission analysis ( COPD Operational Sub-phase 3A ). This was the first opportunity for the JOPG , working in a plenary format , to integrate the staff ’ s augmentation personnel and liaison elements / officers . After the JOPG introductory briefing and a situation update , the nearly 80 exercise participants were assigned to a colour team ( white , blue , green or red ) and placed under the authority of a team leader for the remainder of the exercise .
Coming on the heels of the previous week ’ s two day strategic documentation workshop simulating an operational appreciation of the strategic environment ( COPD Operational Phase 2 ), and immediately following a briefing about the Comprehensive Preparation of the Operational Environment , COM NRDC-SP issued his planning guidance for mission analysis . This