FALL 2019 evaluated commander ( COM ) dialogue . This is where the ETC and COM reach an agreement on what will be evaluated and the scope and scale of that evaluation . It ’ s important to note that , for Corps-level evaluations , COM LANDCOM is the ETC , thus COM to COM dialogue is analogous with ETC to COM dialogue .
This ETC to COM dialogue sets the tone for the ICM . Once the ETC and evaluated COM agree to objectives , the evaluation team finalises the plan . At some point between Phases 1 and 2 , and sometimes even before Phase 1 , the CRP of the evaluated HQ occurs . The CRP focuses on the evaluated HQ ’ s planning capabilities and processes .
Phase 1 of the CREVAL New Approach continues to be in-barracks evaluation . This is where the exchange of information and evaluation of documentation occurs . Phase 2 is the evaluation of procedures , exercise conduct and execution of operational mission . Field evaluation is done during a Command Post Exercise ( CPX ) and usually lasts 96 hrs . During Phase 3 the formal report is finalised to include recommendations and conclusions . This phase contains a new event added to the CREVAL process : the After-Action- Review ( AAR ). The AAR is a structured review process that allows training participants to discover for themselves what happened , why it happened and how they can perform better . Phase 3 concludes with the COM LC ’ s backbrief and signing of the Evaluation
Formal Report . Once complete , this concludes the CREVAL .
In summary , the new CREVAL approach engenders a more focused , supportive , and balanced process . Through establishing a new baseline to the process , we are striving to set a new paradigm for evaluations and ensure the system is best utilised for its primary purpose – as a tool for the Commander to assure force readiness for the SACEUR .

For additional information about LANDCOM , visit : http :// lc . nato . int