Soldiers prepare cache site for their equipment .
SHAPE , CSM Sgt Jack JOHNSON ( USA ) from SACT , CSM Juergen STARK ( DEU ) from Joint Force Command ( JFC ) Naples , CSM Miroslav DULAJ ( SVK ) from NATO School Oberammergau ( NSO ), CSM Drazen KLANJEC from Croatian Armed Forces and FLTCM Crispian ADDINGTON ( USA ) from United States European Command ( EUCOM ). The participants had a great opportunity to learn about different NCO carrier developments and pose questions to very experienced NCOs . Guest speakers also provided interactive lectures about leadership and cultural awareness .
The following days were dedicated to learning the basics of military mountaineering , mountain warfare in mid-altitude , avalanche detection and rescue operations , basics of military cross-country skiing and biathlon . As part of training program , participants visited 132nd Mountain Regiment and Slovenian Mountaineering School and were introduced to the Slovenian weapons and equipment . Once trained by a former member of the biathlon military team that participated three times in the Olympic Games ,
Andreja MALI , the participants competed in a military biathlon competition .
The camp provided an environment where NCOs from multiple countries could share perspectives and ideas on solving different problem sets and duties . To sum up , the 11th NCO Winter Camp was a great success and a valuable experience for sharing information and networking .
Participants practice cross country movement .
The participants attend a biathlon medal ceremony .