Combat Readiness Evaluation ( CREVAL ) Update

NATO Monitor team : From Left-to-Right , MAJ Claudiu SALAVASTRU ( ROU-A ) Junior Monitor ; MAJ Jonathan HERBERT ( CAN-A ) CREVAL OPR ; LTC Lars MAURISCHAT ( DEU-A ) Senior NATO Monitor ; MAJ Patrice MERJAY ( FRA-A ) Junior Monitor .
Based on the results of last year ’ s Evaluation Programming and Management Board ( EPMB ) and the Annual Combat Readiness Evaluation ( CREVAL ) Planning Conference ( ACPC ), we drafted the Program of Work ( PoW ) for Calendar Year ( CY ) 2018 . Therefore , G7 CREVAL activities , as of today , on the evaluation and certification of the NATO Response Force ( NRF ) Land units are numerous .
The Preparation ( PREP ) & Evaluation ( EVAL ) Section supported most of the PoW with participation and or coordination of NATO Monitors and an Evaluation Team led by LANDCOM ( LC ) Deputy Commander ( DCOM ) that conducted the CREVAL of Multinational Division-Southeast ( MND-SE ). To provide an overview , MND- SE Headquarters ( HQ ) was declared combat ready during their CREVAL early this year . On the Monitoring side of the house , out of 14 National CREVALs conducted by the NRFs , only one was not combat ready to NATO Standards and we are currently working with this one in particular to re-evaluate within the six months parameter with NATO Monitors . The CREVAL formal reports of all 14 units and the one Division ( DIV ) HQ provided the evaluated Commanders ( COMs ) with candid and clear feedback to improve training and support the certification process .
Signing of the Official CREVAL Report : From Left-to-Right , LTC Phillippe SAUVE ( CAN-A ) Evaluation Team Chief ; BGen J . J . P . J . PAUL ( CAN-A ) National Authority Representative ; and LTC Lars MAURISCHAT ( DEU-A ) Senior NATO Monitor .
Among recent events , a LC team monitored the evaluation of the enhanced Forward Presence ( eFP ) Battle Group LATVIA from 26-28 August . The Evaluation Team Chief and the Senior NATO monitor agreed that the unit demonstrated the required capability and capacity to conduct full spectrum operations and is combat ready as per NATO requirements . PREP & EVAL Section is also providing instructors for all the CREVAL courses conducted by NATO School Oberammergau ( NSO ), both resident and Mobile Education Training Teams ( METTs ). LC also conducts CREVAL seminars throughout the year in order to increase the pool of Subject Matter Experts ( SMEs ) and NATO Monitors .
Looking forward , our next focus is Trident Jupiter 2019 ( TRJU19 ) and Loyal Lance 2020 ( LOLA20 ). For the CY 2019 we anticipate monitoring approximately 28 National HQs and Units . One of our main activities for 2019 will be the re-write of the NATO Land Evaluation primary reference , AFS Vol . VII , which will most likely change completely the whole evaluation system .
PREP & EVAL Section looks forward to meeting the challenges of the upcoming year by adopting a cooperative approach towards not only LC staff but all members of the NATO community .