the Alliance and as a potential command and control headquarters for NATO land forces ,” said Chief Warrant Officer Stephen Rice , LANDCOM ’ s Senior Enlisted Leader ( see page 8 ).
LOYAL BONUS is a LANDCOM Battle Staff training exercise integrated within a higher echelon battle rhythm . The second iteration of this exercise , LOYAL BONUS II , will occur from 2-13 October and prepare personnel who will go to TRIDENT JAVELIN in cross functional cooperation and coordination of the various battle rhythm events during the exercise .
After arriving at the Joint Warfare Center in November , personnel will conduct LOYAL LANCE , a pre-exercise that will occur just prior to the start of TRIDENT JAVELIN . LOYAL LANCE will include both LANDCOM personnel and any augmented reinforcements that are scheduled to come from various NATO member nations in order to fulfill specific roles . This exercise is the last opportunity to check systems , comunications , and internal procedures prior to the start of TRIDENT JAVELIN .
External preparation and training
In addition to all the training conducted by LANDCOM personnel , there is of course all the training happening by all the other participating commands . Several conferences with up to 300 participants from all NATO nations have been conducted over all Europe in 2016 / 17 , in places like Brussels , London and Luxembourg in order to synchronize the progress in the exercise development .
All participating headquarters had to go through special training including academic and key leader training , individual training in order to increase and upgrade special skills . Additionallty , collective training focused in different battle staff exercises was conducted in order to achieve their training objectives in the exercise . The different Land Corps and Divisions are integrated with common development of the CONOPS , as well as contributing to an Air-Land Integration Conference and the GRF ( L ) back briefs to the LANDCOM Commander .
In order to achieve exercise success from strategic to tactical level the exercise events and injects had to be developed , harmonized and synchronized between the different headquarters under the lead and control of the Joint Warfare Center . NATO nations , as well as International Organizations , are additionally contributing to the exercise in order to train in a realistic , holistic scenario .
Exercise Endstate
The result of this entire process for LANDCOM is that it will be validated on its ability to conduct one of it ’ s primary missions of providing the core headquarters responsible for the conduct of NATO land operations .